
Friends of Music - Trivia Night
Come along and have some fun at the Eltham High School Friends of Music Trivia Night!
We are running a fully facilitated trivia and games night. We have amazing game masters in Bruce Brewster and Lacey Bloomers. The night is about connecting as a community and having some fun!
Date: Saturday 12 August 2023Time: 7:00pm onwards
Venue: Saint Margaret's Anglican Church, 79 – 81 Pitt St, Eltham
Cost: $25 per person, no minimum buys
(If you want to be in a group, we suggest buying all tickets in one transaction)
BYO food, drink, bag of gold coins and your competitive spirit!
You can expect general knowledge trivia, gold coin games and a prize for the winners
To book your tickets please see the link below or via:
We would love to see you there. Please remember it is BYO food and drinks and bring cash or lots of gold coins!
Eltham High School Friends of Music
2023 Music Fees
All music fees are now due for payment (other than the third instalment for the Training Band and Training Strings). The third and final instalment of music fees for the Training Band and Training Strings is due for payment by 1 August 2023.
Payment of Music Fees can be made by completing and returning a credit card form previously emailed to you, by cash, BPay, or by credit card (over the phone by calling 9430 5118). If you make a payment via BPay please ensure you email advising that the funds paid are for music fees. If you do not email, the payment may be allocated to other areas. If you do not know your BPay reference number or you would like to organise a payment plan please contact the school’s Revenue Administrator, Jacinta D’Avoine on 9430 5118.
Please note music fees will appear on your family statement, not on the Compass Parent Portal.
Please do not hesitate to contact Jane Nicholson in the Music Office if you have any queries. Jane's telephone is: 9430 5127 or email:
Your prompt payment of music fees is appreciated.
Important Dates 2023
String Orchestra Victorian Schools Music Festival | Wednesday 26 July |
Choir Victorian Schools Music Festival | Thursday 03 August |
Symphonic Band Workshop with Royal Australian Airforce Band | Friday 11 August |
VSMF Concert Band Hawthorn Arts Centre | Wednesday 23 August |
RICK KEENAN, Director of Music