Junior School

Junior School News
It's been a very busy couple of weeks in the Junior School with a French film to celebrate Bastille Day for our French students, the STEAM workshops and presentations, Band Camps and our Edendale excursions for all Year 7s.
Our Year 7s are to be commended for the way in which they are engaging with the program and embracing the varied experiences that are on offer.
With the Semester 1 reports released last week, students are also beginning to set new goals for their learning. The Junior School team, together with classroom teachers are working hard to support students with their organisation, self-regulation and social and emotional capabilities. We are looking forward to the Year 7 Camp later this term which will be a fantastic opportunity for students to put these skills into action and demonstrate all that they have learned.
Final payments for Year 7 Camp will be on the Compass Dashboard at the end of this week. Thanks for your support, we've had a fantastic response!
It's been great to see the increase in Deeds Counts nominations going out to our Year 7 students - these nominations are made when teachers observe students demonstrating our school values in their day-to-day actions.
MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader