From the Principal
Dear MPS Families
Half-yearly reports will be uploaded onto the Compass portal today Wednesday 21 June after 4:00pm. The reports indicate the student’s key achievements in the various learning areas. The continuum identifies the literacy and numeracy skills that have been consolidated (marked in green) and those which are yet to be taught or embedded.
We’ve attached an instructional ‘Compass’ brochure for your perusal.
In light of parent feedback provided at the recent workshop for parents (held on Monday 29 May), we have decided to hold parent – teacher interviews instead of ‘student led conferences’ this term. This will provide parents and cares with the opportunity to discuss your child’s achievement as indicated in the report and your child’s progress of learning against the continuum.
Parent teacher interviews will be held across the week commencing from Monday 17 to Friday 21 July. Bookings can be made on compass when bookings open at the end of this week.
It’s that ‘end of financial year’ time again and the perfect time to consider making a tax deductible voluntary contribution to the school’s Building Fund and to the Library Fund.
These contributions make a huge difference to the school budget and allow us to plan for and carry out improvements. For example, the recent library upgrade resulted from these contributions.
Contributions to the Building and Library Funds are fully tax deductible and a receipt will be issued.
Please feel free to phone the school to check the status of your contributions.
Holidays are a great time to have the kids clean out their bedrooms. If they come across any of the following items they have perhaps outgrown, we’ll gladly accept these donations at school:
- School uniforms in good condition (we’ll hold a second hand uniform stall early next term.
- Toys –The students really enjoy ‘creative play in the quiet area. Play includes everything from racing cars along newly made sand tracks, to fairy gardens and tea parties.
- Dress Up Clothes – large pieces of fabric – the amphitheatre and timber decking (stage) in the quiet area is the perfect place for dressing up and drama.
Please send any donations of the above to the front office.
Once again, a clean up at home is a great way of finding all those overdue library books that need to be returned and placed back in our library.
In addition, Amanda is organising donations of books to go to Fiji for students who are less fortunate than ours. Can you please have a good look for both our school library books and perhaps books you no longer need.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Michelle Pirie for her wonderful contributions to our school as a teacher assistant. Michelle has been supporting students who have additional learning needs and also helping our prep students to settle in and find their place at our school over their first semester. We wish Michelle all the very best in her world travels and her continued health and success when she returns.
Recruitment processes are underway to find a suitable teacher assistant to replace Michelle.
We’d also like to welcome to our school, Mr Jeff Klyne. Mr Klyne is trained in MSL and his passion for teaching students how to read and write will be put to good use as he will be working with students who need that extra bit of support to consolidate their literacy learning.
The recess and lunch breaks will remain at the normal time on the final day of the term, however the assembly will commence at 2:00pm.
Next Friday, 23 June, we will hold a casual clothes day.
Children are invited to wear casual clothes, for a gold coin donation. This will go towards State Schools' Relief, a charity that supports students in our school system with uniforms.
School will finish the term at the earlier time of 2.30 pm on Friday 23 June.
TheirCare will operate from this earlier time so if your child needs supervision please contact them to make a booking.
TERM 3 COMMENCEMENT- Students return on Tuesday 11 July
Monday 10 July is a curriculum day as teachers continue to focus on ‘visible learning’. We will continue implementing our improvement strategies in reading with an emphasis on visible learning. We want students to know:
- What they are learning (learning intention)
- How they are going (self assess against the success criteria)
- What they need to learn next (goals)
Students will return to school on Tuesday 11 July. Once again, parents can arrange supervision for their child through booking a place with Theircare.
Congratulations to the Term 2 Chess Champions. First Place: Mathias 3L. Second Place: Adrian 4W and Third Place: Harry 2M. Well done!
Wishing all the MPS families a safe and enjoyable break.
Chellee Plumb