Sustainability Corner

THE COLDER MONTHS AND FOOD WASTAGE: What can you do to help?


Making winter broth is a food waste reducing habit that can boost the immunity of your family this winter. With added benefits of saving money & reduce carbon green house emissions released into the atmosphere, what's not to love! 


This is important because food waste accounts for approximately 3% of Australia's annual greenhouse gas emissions. Australia uses around 2600 gigalitres of water to grow food that is wasted, which is enough volume of water to fill five Sydney Harbours!!!


So … 


What do you do with that last bit of carrot , celery, onion or parsley stems ? 


The peel of the ginger, turmeric or the carrot ? 


What about the  garlic and spring onion ends ??


The celery leaves?? 


Left over winter greens ? 


Food waste bins are a good option but here’s a way you can reduce the imprint of food waste even further 



Here’s Granny’s Chicken Broth recipe to inspire this weekend’s cooking!!

Collect all of the above into a container and pop it in the freezer. 


Next time you make a veggie or bone broth add all the bonus veggies for an extra flavour and health kick . 

  • 1 whole chicken and if you can get the feet included include them as they add EXTRA collagen to the broth, achy winter joints anyone ??? 
  • 2 celery sticks 
  • 2 carrots 
  • 1 onion 
  • Pepper corns and Salt crystals  
  • Ginger, garlic & Turmeric (all optional but immunity building).
  • 2 caps of vinegar of choice (mine is apple cider, Gran’s was white 😉)
  • Then add your frozen additional yumminess. 
  • I’ve been known to add a shiitake mushroom or three which I recommend for an earthy flavour. 


Step1: Fill your large stock pot of water of choice


Step 2: Bring to the boil, then simmer for at least  2 hours and better for 4 hours or more. 


Step 3: Allow to cool, strain with a muslin to get all the bits that you don’t need anymore . Allow it to cool slightly before either keeping in the fridge or freezer depending on what I’m using it for that week. This recipe usually get around 3 litres of broth.


We’d love to hear ways you reduce food waste in your house too! If you have any handy tips and tricks please email the office so we can share these in our next newsletter! 


Happy Winter Cooking !


The Green Team