
This term our focus is on green leafy vegetables, herbs and citrus fruit.
We have now finished planting our winter vegetables.
Year 5/6s have planted kale, silverbeet and dill seedlings in the garden beds. Senior students are fabulous at weeding and I always have plenty of volunteers, just so you know.
Prep and Year 1/2s have started our "Citrus fruit" topic with a fun activity - "school-made" lemonade. To make it even more special, we made yellow and pink lemonade, although pink was way more popular. Students learned which fruit belongs to the citrus family, that those fruits contain lots of vitamin C(trus)l They learned the lemonade ingredients and how to make it. We coloured our lemonade pink using freshly pressed beetroot juice.
Junior students tasted the first ripe clementines from our mini orchard. The oranges will be ready in a week or so. We also picked four lemons from our lemon tree. Although we have some citrus growing along the fence, we are happy to receive any surplus citrus you have in your garden. A big thankyou to Chiara's mum, Sandra, for donating the lemons we used to make our lemonade this week. The feedback was positive with lots of compliments about how delicious the lemonade was !
Keep warm everyone.
Vesna Simic
Learning Support Officer