Parents & Friends' (PFA)

Welcome back to Term 3.
We hope you all had a fantastic school holiday period despite it being winter.
What better way to warm up in winter than with the St Anthony’s Bush dance. Don’t miss out on this super fun, super popular event featuring the Blackberry Jam Bush Band.
Date: Friday 28 July
Venue: St Anthony’s Parish Hall (opposite the school)
Time: 6-9pm
You can book tickets and pizzas at Soft drinks and snacks will be available for sale and feel free to BYO other drinks and food. There will also be fantastic prizes raffled off. And if the timings work out you will also be the first ones to benefit from a secret new purchase the PFA is about to make. The kids will LOVE it!
A huge thanks to the Grade 5/6MC class liaisons Jane Magree and Anthea Dimitrakopoulos for taking the lead on this event along with their class helpers.
Coming up in Term 3…..
Other new purchases:
The PFA has funded new eskies which will be used at numerous events for years to come, especially your BBQs. No more borrowing eskies and wondering who to return them to.
Father’s Day Stall
This year the stall will be run on Thursday 31 August (due to a clash with sport on the Friday.) Stay tuned for more information.
Father's Day Breakfast
The Father’s Day Breakfast will be held on Friday 1 September before school.
PFA Meeting
The next PFA meeting is Tuesday 29 August and as always everyone is welcome. Details will be shared closer to the date.
If you have any feedback or suggestions for future events, ideas or fundraisers please feel free to email the PFA on
With regards,
Rosaline, Matt and The PFA Committee
PFA Committee:
Co-Presidents: Matthew Lumsden Rosaline Natale
Secretary: Fiona Flynn
Treasurer: Wes Folkard
General Members:
Kate Buick Rajesh Durgam Troy Fryar
Jane Magree Anna-Marie McGann Luci Sinclair
Scott Sinclair Monika Skiba
Principal: Margaret Carlei
Staff Rep: Marie Casey