Dear Familes
Term Three has started in a positive way with staff and students preparing for the term ahead. This term we look forward to many events that will enhance the learning and teaching which takes place in our school. The teachers prepare for total engagement in the activities that they hold in their classes to ensure that the children are set up for success. I invite you to please take the time to read both sections of today's newsletter for English and Mathematics that outline some of the learning that the staff have been involved in this year, and how it impacts across all subjects.
As a school we also celebrate each fortnight, the great learning across each level, by having a class highlight what has taken place in their learning journey. Thank you to the teachers who proudly take turns during the term to put together a small snippet of their work.
Level Crossing Removal Project LXPR Viewing
It was such a great opportunity for our students to view the railway works as they come to completion. The Friday group were lucky enough to see the test run of the trams as they traveled over the works for the first time successfully.
With only a short time left until the completion of the upgraded work, traveling around our neighbourhood will be made easier.
Below are some beautiful comments made regarding our students by the the coordinators who lead the tours. We are very proud of our students and this is one more way of their respect and behaviour being acknowledged and noticed.
"I am so glad we could make something work – they were such a delight and incredibly cute!" Diana.
"The team reported unanimously how lovely, engaged and polite the children all were.
It was a pleasure being able to show the next generation what we do for work, and how their future is being shaped." Madeleine
Student Intentions for 2024
We have commenced planning for next year and request families to email me via if your child is currently in Prep to Year 5 and will not be returning to our school next year.
Preparing for Preps 2024
Next week the Preps for 2024 will begin coming to school to work with the current Prep class and teachers. They will be able to prepare for their time with us next year as the current Preps act as mentors to them.
Student Achievements
Matilda (1/2SM) participated in her first ever dance competition in the Southern Federation Dance competition (SFD) on 25th June 2023 and Maya (3/4TO) participated in her second dance competition this year, where they won 1st place for Fearless and 2nd place for Witch Doctor songs. Congratulations to both girls.
Curriculum Day 4 August 2023
Please don't forget that we have a scheduled Curriculum Day, which means students do not come to school. OSHC will be available for the families that require their assistance.
PFA Bush Dance
Have you booked your tickets for the exciting event that will take place next week?
I encourage you to come along to the Family Night as it promises to be a fun night for everyone.
A winter's prayer: "Lord, In the midst of Winter, when the days are cold and wind can pierce, remind us of the warmth of your love. In the midst of Winter, when days are short, dawn comes late, and dusk arrives early remind us that in the darkness your light still shines."
Yours sincerely
Margaret Carlei