Year 5/6 Report

The 5/6’s are now focusing on a new big idea of learning: ‘Change - Health & Food’.
Students are participating in the Oz Harvest FEAST education program which integrates both theoretical and practical learning. Students will investigate why food waste is an issue in Australia and other parts of the world by exploring: what food waste is, different ways to cook using food that would otherwise be wasted, how to prepare and select ingredients from different food groups, ways to design and create recipes to educate others about healthy eating and preventing food waste. Last week, students had their first cooking lesson making fruit skewers with Greek yoghurt. Students thoroughly enjoyed this lesson! They look forward to designing their own recipe pages for a ‘School Cookbook’ later in the term.
Through exploration of different texts, students have been diving deeper into their learning of the respiratory system. Over the coming weeks, they will be continuing their learning of how to maintain a healthy respiratory and circulatory system. Students will also be beginning to draft their own narrative pieces and explore the different structures and features of narrative writing.
To begin the term, students will continue their numeracy learning through the program Math Pathways particularly focusing on ‘Number and Algebra: Money and Financial Mathematics’.