Year 3/4 Report

Welcome to Semester 2!
The Year 3/4s have settled in quickly and have made a great start for a busy term ahead.
This term our inquiry topic is ‘energy causes change’. Students will be learning all about energy and its different forms through non-fiction texts and investigations. Inquiry will be deeply imbedded into literacy, where students will be ‘reading to learn’ as well as analysing word choice and vocabulary.
Some of the questions that will guide our inquiry this term are:
- What are some forms of energy?
- How are energy, change, and movement of objects related?
- What evidence shows that energy transfers from place to place?
- What evidence shows that sound, light, heat, and electricity transfer energy from place to place?
- How is energy involved in collisions?
Already students have participated in experiments exploring ‘change is proof of energy’. For example, in the week just passed we discovered that even though you can’t see sound, it can cause vibrations. We also learned that light can cause heat which can melt wax, but when it cools down, it hardens again.
In numeracy, we have started the term revising our multiplication strategies. These strategies will support students to build their automatic recall and develop their problem-solving skills to solve maths problems involving unknown values. This term we will also be building our skills in chance and data through data collection, chance experiments, graphing and interpreting data. We will be furthering our understanding in measurement by exploring area and perimeter as well as exploring mass and converting units of measurement.
We are very excited for all the learning planned this term and are looking forward to sharing more with you as the term progresses.