Year 1/2 Report

Year 1/2
This term in Inquiry, 1/2 students will be exploring the central idea that “All living things grow and change depending on a range of conditions. Students will investigate the life cycle of living things, the stages they go through and how they change at each stage. We have already begun to see changes in our class pet caterpillars with them growing each day.
This week the Year 1/2 students planted seeds in their classrooms as part of their finding out and sorting out stage of our learning. Students are eagerly watering and watching to see how their seeds grow and change each day.
Over the next few weeks, in Literacy, students will continue to learn about the changes that occur in living things and the different conditions that can affect this growth. We will begin to dive deeper into exploring insects and their lifecycles, explaining each phase through experimenting with conjunctions and building our knowledge of sentences. We are also hoping to learn lots of new and interesting things on our excursion to the museum that will help us in our writing.
In Numeracy, students will be focusing on concepts of measurement such as mass, time and length. When learning about these areas we will be using lots of concrete materials and both informal and formal measurement tools to build our understanding.