Positive School Behaviour

An update on SWPBS

We are now in our third term of implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework (SWPBS). 

Acknowledgement System- Aberfeldie Tokens

The school has been a buzz with the introduction of the Aberfeldie Token System. This system was designed using the latest research in behaviour and is used to increase the likelihood of expected behaviour reoccurring. For information on this system, and how to discuss it with your child/children, please click the link below:

Congratulations to Red House, who were awarded the House Champion trophy at Week 2's Assembly. 


Below are some snapshots of the Token System in class and across the school

How is behaviour taught at APS?

“If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.

If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we....... teach? …....punish?

Why can’t we finish the last sentence as automatically as we do the others?”

- Tom Herner, 1998.


Behaviour is explicitly taught at Aberfeldie as part of the Personal & Social Capability Curriculum. Each week, all classes participate in a short lesson where we clarify what it is students should know and be able to do, as well as where, when and to what criteria to demonstrate behaviour. This Term, all students have participated in lessons on using manners in all settings and playing safely in the yard. 


Why do we teach behavioural skills? The Science of Behaviour is quite clear:

  • Children are not born with bad behaviour
  • Children do not learn better ways of acting when only given adverse consequences
  • To learn better ways of behaving, children must be directly taught the expected behaviour.
  • To retain new behaviours, children require specific feedback and opportunities to practice in a variety of settings. 

Ask your child/children:

  • What is the SWPBS focus this week?
  • What does that behaviour look like? 
  • What doesn't that behaviour look like?
  • What might that behaviour look like in our home?

This term, staff will be monitoring and reviewing the token system whilst engaging in ongoing professional learning on 'Responding to Inappropriate Behaviour'. We look forward to what is to come!


Erin McNamara

Acting Assistant Principal & Trained SWPBS Leader