School News & Information:

Important Information for Parents/ Carers

Lunch Time Club Program

Timetable for Term 3
Timetable for Term 3

Last term, we launched a trial of lunch time clubs which has expanded this term. Lunchtime clubs are an evidence-based way of providing activities during recess and/or lunchtime. The aim is to build student engagement, social skills and inclusion for all students, especially students who may struggle with lack of structure in the school playground. These clubs can have benefits for students and the whole school community, including:

  • improved peer-to-peer and teacher-student relationships and wellbeing
  • a sense of personal empowerment and student voice
  • development of social and emotional skills
  • improved academic achievement
  • positive school climate and increased student sense of safety
  • reduction in bullying and playground behaviour incidents.

Below are some students enjoying the clubs on offer.


Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

Well done to all of the students who have been focusing on their reading and logging all of their progress online for the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge. It’s very exciting that we have 5 students who have already completed the challenge! Don’t worry if you haven’t started yet, you still have until the 8th of September to read and record your books online. If you have any questions about your login details or how the challenge works, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher. 

Book Week 2023

Book Week is fast approaching! This year it will be in Week 7 of this term (21-25 August) with our book character dress up day on Friday 25th August (more to come). For those new to Aberfeldie PS, Book Week involves the students reading, examining and celebrating the 2023 CBCA Shortlisted books during our literacy lessons, and concludes with a dress up day where students and teachers can dress up as any book character that they choose. If you are looking for dress up inspiration, this year’s Book Week theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. We look forward to celebrating these books and reading together.

Online Safety Session 

Last term, we were very lucky to have a member of our community from Victoria Police come in to speak to the Year 5/6 students about online safety. This session covered information on social media, online messaging services, stranger danger, information sharing and the Victorian laws around interacting with others online. We would like to send a big thank you to Emma Kerry for giving up her time to support our digital citizenship curriculum. 

Individual Education Plans

Our staff are currently in the process of adapting the Individual Education Plans for identified students. These IEP's are developed for students working more than 12 months below or above the key curriculum areas in English & Mathematics. These students are identified each Semester by our Senior Leadership team who analyse the most current reporting cycle data. This means that depending on reported growth, some students will have been taken off or added to this list this term. IEP's for more than 12 months above or below will be provided to families over the coming fortnight. 


Student Support Group Meetings:

Student Support Group Meetings are held for students who are: 

These meeting will occur in Week 6 with information for these families being released via Compass. 


Home Learning

At APS, we recognise that students will achieve more when we are able to partner with parents/carers to actively support their child’s learning and development. The home learning program complements the teaching and learning that occurs in the classroom, enabling students to practise and consolidate their learning at home, while also fostering lifelong learning and study habits. 


Students receive home learning tasks that mainly consist of daily reading to, with, or by parents/carer or older siblings, but sometimes include other tasks to support their learning in other curriculum areas, such as writing, mathematics or research projects. Home learning tasks are purposeful, curriculum-aligned and appropriate to students’ skill level and age, and are designed to help students develop as independent learners. Home learning is monitored by the teacher. Below are the weekly expectations:


Foundation - Year 4: 

  • Home reading should take place daily, for 10-20 minutes, and generally not exceed 30 minutes.
  • Student home reading is filled out in their reading journal each day to track your child's reading progress and to help teachers monitor who is reading at home and where support may be needed. 
  • F-2 home readers are changed weekly on a  Friday.
  • Year 3/4 home readers are changed fortnightly on a Wednesday.

Year 5/6:

  • Home reading should take place daily, for at least 20 minutes, and generally not exceed 45 minutes. However, this may be less if other home learning tasks have been set. 
  • Student home reading is filled out in their ‘Student Diary’ each day to track your child's reading progress and to help teachers monitor who is reading at home and where support may be needed. 
  • Students may be set extension assignments, class work or further research.



Concerns/ Complaints Process

Each year, we aim to share a few of our key policies with our school community (found on the school website). As a school, we welcome feedback, both positive and negative, as part of our commitment to continuous improvement. Concerns in the first instance should be directed to your child’s teacher, followed by the Professional Learning Community Leader (Year Level Coordinator), Assistant Principal or Principal. Below are the Department guidelines on respect within schools and our concerns policy. We are very lucky at Aberfeldie to be part of a respectful and supportive community.