Digital and Media Team

To start with we had Mr Gage’s Principal’s report. One exciting thing he talked about was the new playground coming! There will be more details about this later but we’re very excited!
The following week had our students sharing about their learning. In 1/2A, Shae, Willow and Layelle spoke about how this term the 1/2s are learning all about how living and non-living things change. They explained that they had brand-new class pets- some caterpillars that they are observing and taking notes on their life cycles according to their inquiry unit. We can’t wait until they turn into butterflies! Willow, Shae, and Layelle also had some helpers onstage; Nelly, Thalia and Vivi.
Next, we had Hudson and Zala from 3/4A. They talked about their inquiry unit too - How energy causes change! They told us there were different types of energy including sound. Hudson and Zala then taught us how to do our ten times tables!
Then Yousef, Jack and Cooper spoke about the Oz Harvest Feast program, and how they are learning about making healthy snacks and preventing food waste! They told us a crazy fact- If food waste was a country, it would be the third biggest emitter of greenhouse gases after USA and China!
Violet and Jianna interviewed Ben and Levi about Cross Country as they made it to districts. They ran in a variety of races and placed first, second, third and more. Then Lily-Mae and Patrick spoke about our upcoming athletics day
Finally, this week, the first winners of the token championship are… RED HOUSE!
By Niko, Charlie and Xiao Rui (Digital and Media Team)
See you next week!