From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Term Three! I hope the school holiday period has given our students and their families a break from the routine and busyness of the school term. 


We have much to look forward to this term, starting with NAIDOC week celebrations.  By now, families should have received messages through the Audiri app about the whole school "in person" aboriginal flag photo.  Students have been asked to come to school with a red, yellow or black t-shirt that can be worn as part of large scale reproduction of the Aboriginal flag.  This activity will be photographed and shared in next week's newsletter with the community.   


In the coming weeks, we  will be sharing information about Book Week 2023 as well as ways we will celebrate 100 days of Prep!


St Simon's Parents Association

As we start the Term I would like to strongly encourage and invite all St Simon's families to consider how they support the amazing work of our St Simon's Parents' Association.

On Friday, 28th July we are hosting a Parent social night with all funds raised  to be saved for playground refurbishment.  Apart from the fundraising, this night is a great way to spend time with St Simon's families in a fun and social setting. Please check out here for more info

Staffing News

This week will be Adelia Centracchio's final week at St Simon's before commencing parental leave with the pending arrival of the baby.  We look forward to seeing photos of the newborn in the coming weeks.  

We welcome Patrick Doherty to St Simon's as classroom teacher for 4R.  Patrick is an experienced teacher who has settled well into St Simon's school life and is supported well by the Year 4 Team.

Congratulations to Anna Mautone and her husband, Samuel who were married during the school holiday period. May they have a happy, blessed and full life together.


Finally, on a personal note, I have been absent from school due to an accident I had on the weekend.  I am managing back pain at the moment, and I hope to be back at school as soon as possible.  Thank you to the amazing St Simon's Staff that continue to make the school the wonderful place of learning it is.


God bless,


Tom Wursthorn



Save the Date!  St Simon's Fete 2023  

Saturday 11th November 10am