Mabo House News

Mabo News
Dear Mabo Students and Parents,
We hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits as we approach the end of another eventful term here at HP. As we bid farewell to the past term, we want to take this opportunity to reflect on the achievements, growth, and memorable moments we've shared together. It has been an incredible journey, filled with hard work, dedication, and numerous accomplishments.
Academic Excellence:
We are immensely proud of our students for their outstanding academic achievements this year. You have shown resilience, adaptability, and determination in your pursuit of knowledge through exams, work placement, common assessment tasks and values nominations. Whether it was mastering complex mathematical equations, exploring the depths of literature, or conducting fascinating scientific experiments, your commitment to learning has been truly commendable.
Amazing Efforts:
Beyond the classrooms, our students have showcased their talents and interests through various extracurricular activities. From captivating performances on stage to thrilling sporting events on the field, winning the athletics carnival and participating in interschool sports or lunchtime clubs you have consistently demonstrated the power of teamwork and creativity and we love seeing you challenge yourselves and participate in awesome opportunities.
Supportive Community:
We cannot overlook the unwavering support and collaboration of our parents and guardians throughout the year. Your involvement in your child's education has been instrumental in their success so far and we look forward to continuing these positive relationships.
As we embrace the upcoming break, it's important to recharge and rejuvenate. Use this time to explore new interests, spend quality time with loved ones, and reflect on your personal growth. We encourage you to read books, engage in creative endeavours, and take care of yourselves over this break.
Next term we welcome you back to what will be another busy yet exciting time at HP. Course counselling and choosing future pathways will be our focus and we encourage all caregivers to engage in discussions with your child and support in decision making.
I will be on leave until week 4 of term 3. Please communicate any questions to Mabo House SLLs Mr Musa, Mrs Beattie and Mrs Grove. Ashley and Mrs Bellgrove will also be there to provide any supports.
On behalf of the Mabo team have a great break and we can’t wait to see you all next term!
Erin Louden
Head of Mabo House