Year 2 Report

Term 4

It's that time of the year where we reflect on the year that was. Unfortunately Covid created interruptions, however, our resilient students bounced back into routine and have had a successful Term 4. We are proud of each and every student, their efforts and successes throughout the year. We wish them all the very best for Grade 3 and we hope everyone has a restful, relaxing and safe holiday.



During Term 4 the students worked on their Place Value skills, in particular reading, writing and modelling numbers up to 999. The students played games and used lots of concrete materials to help develop these skills. 


Students practiced reading times on Analogue clocks to o'clock, half past and quarter to and past. 


We introduced the concept of fractions and the students practiced dividing shapes into halves, quarters and eighths. 


Our Math's lessons continue to aim to engage the students learning of concepts and skills through games, hands on activities and technology. There are opportunities for students to participate in whole group and partner work as well as focused small groups.



In Term 4 our Writing focus will be been exploring the text structure and language features of persuasive texts. Students will develop an understanding of the structure and organisation of a persuasive text and there will be a strong focus on developing their persuasive language. Students will be encouraged to write a persuasive text using the correct structure and language features, clearly stating their opinions on a topic and supporting their opinion with reasons. 


During Term 4 in Reading, Grade 2 students will be developing an understanding of authors purpose and point of view. Our students will also be focusing on authors craft. Students will be identifying the techniques authors use to engage the audience and will be applying these skills to their own writing. 


Students will continue to be exposed to a variety of literature during our reading sessions which will develop their understanding of persuasive texts and help to build their emotive language vocabulary.  Students are given time to practice their individual reading goals during daily independent reading time. 


Please continue to support your child's literacy skill development by reading to or with them each day or by providing them with access to books and audio books to further develop their accuracy and fluency.