Prep Report

Term 4

Well done to all of our Prep students for reaching the end of their first year at Roxburgh Park Primary School. We are proud of everything you have achieved this year. We wish everybody a safe and relaxing holiday and wish all the students the very best for Grade 1.




In Reading this term, we focused on fiction texts. Fiction texts are stories that are made up and their purpose is to entertain. We explored fiction texts through narratives, which are stories with characters, settings, and a problem and a solution. We were able to identify these different elements of a narrative in the books we read and sequence the events of the story in order that they happened. We also reviewed our letters and sounds and worked on blending sounds to read words.



We continued to learn new reading strategies as we became even better readers! We practised reading fluently by reading everyday, looking at the pictures, re-reading for meaning, and looking at the punctuation within texts. We learnt to make inferences about how the characters are feeling and why; as well as learning to visualise, which is when you make a picture in  your mind as you read.  




In Writing this term, we learnt to write our own narrative stories. We learnt how to create and describe characters using adjectives, how to imagine a setting with lots of details, and how to write a story that has a beginning, middle, and end.  We created our own stories and turned them into books. We continued to practise using our letter sound knowledge to sound out and record unknown words, using finger spaces and using capital letters and full stops.





In Maths this term, we continued to learn about numbers to 20. We counted and made numbers to 20 and beyond through singing songs, creating number lines and tens frames, reading books, and by using a range of concrete materials.  We also learnt how to add, subtract and share groups of objects through games, story telling and the use of concrete materials. 


We learnt about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, identifying these shapes in our environment, and comparing and sorting these shapes. We measured time, weight, length and capacity by using concrete materials to support our investigation into these units of measurements.




Our Inquiry unit this term is called, My Place, Our Place. Our focus was on geography and how to use and create maps of our local community. We investigated the following questions:

  • What makes a place special?
  • What does it mean to be sustainable and how can we look after our environment?
  • Where are the places located in the school and why are they here?
  • Which places in the school grounds do you like best and use the most?
  • What are some places I like to visit in my Roxburgh Park community?

The students were able to identify places in their community that were special to them and explain their reasoning. The students then came up with ideas to look after our special places.




  • School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:10pm
  • Take Home Readers (Red Folders) will go home every night and are to be returned to school every morning. Readers will be changed on a Friday and handed back out on a Monday
  • Students to bring fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
  • Students to bring their hats EVERYDAY. In Term 4, we have a No Hat, No Play policy to keep all students safe from the sun. 
  • Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence.

The Grade Prep Team

Chisako Hazama and Ashley Reynolds