Year 5 Report

Term 4 2021

Term 4

Congratulations and well done to all our Grade 5 students on finishing off another year! Each student has worked tirelessly throughout such a wild year and have all achieved success in one way or another! The Grade 5 teachers couldn't be more proud of your efforts, commitment and achievements in Grade 5! We wish all students and their families a wonderful break, stay safe and see you in 2022!


Literacy and Inquiry

This Term in Literacy, Grade 5's wrote a variety of explanation texts. These texts explained the 'how and why' of different social phenomena, including the reasons people migrate to another country, the influences of the media and a selection of 'free choice' topics selected by the students. In Reading, students read and viewed a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts linking to our Inquiry topic, 'A Diverse and Connected World.' These texts explored social events and issues in our world, helping students gain insight and new knowledge related to their writing genre. Students researched an Asian Region country and created presentations about their country of choice and presented their information in a variety of ways. Grade 5's also explored ancient myths and legends. They read and viewed a variety of mythical stories and incorporated these elements into their own mythical writing. 

Trylox - Andro
Beast! - Lucas
Handslide - Aydin
Trylox - Andro
Beast! - Lucas
Handslide - Aydin




In Mathematics, Grade 5's further developed their knowledge and understanding of place value. Grade 5's made, regrouped and renamed both whole numbers. Students in Grade 5 also developed their number knowledge to involve fractions and decimals. Grade 5's also explored 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional shapes; connecting their features and nets to the shape. Students explored the possibilities of chance through a variety of experiments including dice rolls and coin flips, to determine the probabilities involved with these experiments. Finally, the students further developed their finance knowledge, understanding the reasons for budgets. The Grade 5 students built cities based on a particular budget, explored a variety of theme parks on a budget and  and explored determining possible budgets for a variety of reasons. 


My City - Amira
My City - Milenye
My City - Amira
My City - Milenye