From the Secondary Principal Team

Over the past fortnight students on campus have showed incredible flexibility, adaptability and resilience which must be acknowledged and celebrated. As the Victorian community shifts in its approach to navigating this next phase of the pandemic, we as a school, and particularly the Secondary campus, have faced significant challenges with staff absences and periods leave. Because of this we have worked to adapt with timetable changes, class alterations and modified programs. Situations like this understandably cause feelings of uncertainty, unrest and frustration for all involved. In the face of such adversity our students have responded with patience and understanding – a testament to themselves and the values that they represent.
In Year 7, students have been divided into four class groupings for their Technology block, enabling an environment whereby students are able access learning and resources through the provision of smaller classes.
The Year 8’s have been incredibly resilient in working with a core group of teachers as we manage staff absences. Students have also shown understanding as we work to relocate lockers to more appropriate areas within the pods.
In Year 9, students have been working on their Morrisby testing, working to identify their preferred future pathways.
The Year 10’s have shown excitement in preparing for work experience, demonstrating an increasing understanding of the skills and qualities that will be required of them as they enter the workforce.
Our Senior school students have begun completing SACs, SATs and unit competencies, and despite us only being five weeks into Term 1, they are quickly nearing a quarter of their school year.
We thank all of the students and staff for maintaining a productive teaching and learning environment thus far and look forward to a stabilisation of change as we move further into term. Additionally, a huge thanks to all of the parents/carers who supported and participated in our online Parent/Carer Teacher Interviews. Whilst originally planned for a hybrid model of delivery, we needed to shift to fully online interviews, all of which was met with understanding and support.