From the Acting College Principal

I am delighted to be given the opportunity to be appointed as the interim Acting College Principal position at The Lakes South Morang College. With your support and goodwill, I will lead our teachers and students to effectively drive the ongoing school improvement agenda with a vigour that embraces our educators and school community through this exciting phase at our College. I have worked as a leader in large schools for over twenty-five years and have successfully supported students, families and staff in developing the necessary academic, social, physical and emotional conditions for sustained success at school in a child’s most formative years.
My empathetic and compassionate leadership style is highly regarded by all I work to serve. I have a firm belief that I can successfully manifest these attributes into the role of Acting College Principal at The Lakes South Morang College.
I have been privileged with the opportunities afforded to me where I have been able to develop my own capacity over many years in a leadership role. My leadership style is one that is genuine, warm, and approachable. I am a visible, hardworking leader who looks to inspire others with persistent encouragement. As a school leader, I aim to be a role model for others, am a life- long learner and you will see a persistent smile on my face. Nothing is too much trouble for our children. I believe the many students that I have represented in our school would support my claim that we always work together within an umbrella of respect and trust. This underpins my relationship and success.
I communicate with great clarity and operate with the understanding that the wellbeing, achievement and engagement of all learners is central to a school’s purpose. I set a clear agenda and align the goals and targets of the school and of the Department of Education and Training. My goal is 12- month student academic and social/emotional growth. Relevant data is collected and analysed by leading teachers and plans are enacted to realise this goal. This places me in the best position to take our staff and students on their development journey. Having worked as an educator in secondary, middle years and primary settings, I draw from significant experience. Each school has been different and presented different challenges. I have embraced each school with commitment and a passion for student achievement and the development of the ‘whole learner’.
The next stage of the development at The Lakes South Morang College must be clearly focussed on Excellence in Teaching and Learning. My ability to develop and co-construct a compelling narrative for sustained teaching practice improvement and increased student ownership in learning is my greatest ambition.
I will be located on the Primary Campus on Tuesday & Thursday and on the Secondary Campus on Monday & Friday (with a Wednesday interchange) over the next fortnight whilst Kerrie our College Principal is on leave. My aim is to be as visible and interactive as possible through this period. I am privileged to have the expertise and support of our College Campus Principals Marcus on Primary and Bonnie on Secondary. Both are outstanding educational administrators and are fully committed to our students and our school.
Please reach out with confidence if your child is experiencing difficulties at school. Our Home Group, Class teachers and Student Managers are committed and aligned to our learning goal. I am confident that the Meet & Greet evening on Primary and the Parent Teacher Interviews on Secondary opened the door for productive conversations to begin and continue for success to be achieved. We will use our resources and a solution-based mindset to address issues, organise professional support and adapt learning to maximise engagement and performance at school. We only ask that you contact us with high levels of respect, patience and work collaboratively and positively with us even in stressful circumstances. Our staff have been instructed to end conversations which are aggressive or rude and report them to me. There has never been a more important time to model and practice the virtues of teamwork in our community. Positive community connections are what makes a great school. It is not that hard to make this happen on a consistent basis.
I encourage parents/carers to read and enjoy the achievements in our School Newsletter and to continue to encourage your children to work at their personal best in all their learning pursuits.