Faith & Mission


Last Sunday, the responsorial psalm included the following verse.


Blessed are they who follow not the counsel of the wicked, nor walk in the way of sinners, nor sit in the company of the insolent, but delight in the law of the LORD and meditate on God’s law day and night.


Sin is not a particularly fashionable concept in our world. Modern 21st century thinking rejects the heavy-handed focus on the ‘thou shall nots’ and the resultant fire and brimstone that was a prevalent feature in the preaching of the Church of my youth. Today, the prevailing attitude of many is that people should be free to think, live and do whatever they choose. 


In his book Let Us Dream, Pope Francis wrote that “Sin is a rejection of the limits that love requires”. In a famous gospel story, Jesus exhorts a woman caught in adultery to ‘Go and sin no more’. This is not a demand that the woman lock herself away from the world. Rather it is a call to recognise the behaviours that she needs to live a life in which she will flourish. Where, in her relationships, are the limits that ensure that these relationships are life-giving and not life-destroying.


God calls us to loving relationships that give us the freedom to live life to the full. This is the focus that Pope Francis is offering us. This is the promise and hope that the psalmist implores us to embrace.


Year 9 RE Immersion Day

The first Year 9 RE Immersion day will be held next Thursday 24 February and will be facilitated by Young Mercy Links. For more go to theMiddle School page.   

Mr Mark Hyland

Director of Faith and Mission