
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching



Dear Parents/Guardians,


Term 1 is now in full swing and students have settled in well. I take this opportunity to make you aware of a few Term 1 matters of interest.

Homework Guidelines

Our continued partnership with families is a key component of student success.  Last year, we provided both students and families with the Academy Homework Guidelines, to help support transparency around expectations.  These guidelines are also contained in the Student Diary and have again been shared with students at the beginning of the term. 



The following guidelines set out the approximate amount of time a student should be spending each night on their homework.  There will be certain times in the school year where a little more or a little less homework is appropriate.  If a student has no homework, they are encouraged to read for at least 30 minutes and/or complete revision work.


Approximate time guide 
Year 7       45min to 1 ¼ hoursYear 8       1 hour to 1 ½ hours
Year 9       1.5 hours to 2 hours Year 10     2 hours to 2.5 hours
Year 11     2.5 to 3 hoursYear 12     3 hours to 3.5 hours


Of course, these guidelines are ‘approximates’ and students are encouraged to organise their time to best suit them, allowing for extra-curricular and family commitments.  Furthermore, if you are finding that your daughter is doing significantly more or less than these guidelines, we encourage you to make contact with her Mentor Group leader, to discuss further.

The Science of Learning 

In 2022, the staff here at Academy continue to focus on the Science of Learning as part of their professional development, led by consultant Jared Cooney Horvath.  Dr Cooney, a cognitive neuroscientist, researcher and educator, is working with staff to enhance our understanding of the brain and behaviour, to facilitate more effective learning.  This year, now that we have a better sense of the theory and have students onsite, we hope to focus on sharing the strategies we are learning with students, to better empower them in their learning.  We look forward to sharing this learning journey with our community throughout the year.  

Ms Fiona Lennon

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching