A brief outline of the strategic directions for Student Wellbeing and College Operation for 2022. Parents are most welcome to get in touch with me if you require any clarification around these directions.


Elite School Photography attended the Academy on Wednesday 16th February for our annual Photo Day. As per the email sent to all parents a fortnight ago, in order to ensure that we remained as COVIDSafe as possible, only individual portraits were taken and these will now be used to create ‘composite’ photos for the various groups. Families are able to order a composite group photo [for example: Year 12 Group and Year 7 – 12 Mentor Groups]  as per the instructions previously advised.


As a number of students were absent on Photo Day, due to either being COVID positive or in isolation as a result of being household contacts, we have scheduled a ‘Photo Catch Up’: Period 1, Wednesday 2 March. 


Given that we have quite a few students here at the College who have anaphylaxis, we urge parents/guardians to take great care with what food products you provide your daughters. Please be aware that certain foods, particularly nuts, can cause severe and potentially harmful reactions to others. As far as possible we seek to reduce the risk of anaphylactic reactions occurring and any support you can provide in this regard is most appreciated.


Importantly, I remind parents/guardians that students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis must have an EpiPen with them at all times and a spare EpiPen should be handed into Student Reception. Please be aware that if any student with anaphylaxis does not have an EpiPen with them and a spare one in at Student Reception, they will not be permitted to go any planned excursion of which they might be a part.


In the interests of your daughter’s safety, we ask that this be addressed as soon as possible. This also includes ensuring that all Action Plans are up-to-date. Please contact Ms. Jessica Synaphet if you need to discuss this further. 


Child safety continues to be a key focus for the College in 2022 and I would like to refer parents/guardians to the Child Safety Policy on the College website.


Within the ‘Guiding Principles’ of the policy it states that, “Catholic schools have a moral, legal and mission-driven responsibility to create nurturing school environments where children and young people are respected, their voices are heard and they are safe and feel safe (CECV Commitment to Child Safety).

Within the framework of this policy is an adherence to the Victorian Child Safe Standards as follows:

  1. Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety
  2. A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety
  3. A child safety code of conduct
  4. Screening, supervision, and training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse
  5. Procedures for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse
  6. Strategies to reduce or remove risks of child abuse
  7. Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment

While we believe that the College, in its practices and protocols, meets all of the above Standards, Standard 7 is dependent upon the student’s capacity to respond to incidents that may threaten their own safety. To that end, I would also like to inform you that, in the coming weeks, I will be giving a presentation to all year levels, focusing on recognising and reporting abuse. This presentation has already occurred with the Year 7 students.


I would also ask parents/guardians to encourage their daughters to report any incidents when travelling to and from the College, where a member of the public makes them feel unsafe. Reporting such incidents is important in ensuring that the relevant authorities are informed and appropriate action is taken to ensure the safety of not only our students, but also other members of the public


As per my message in last fortnight’s newsletter, approximately once per term the Parents’ Association conducts a meeting in which parents are offered the chance to contribute to the life of the College. It is an opportunity to continue an ongoing partnership between the College and the parents of the students in our care. I once again invite parents/guardians to play an active and crucial part at Academy and should you be so inclined you are most welcome to attend our first meeting of the year on Monday 28 February beginning at 7pm. It would be wonderful to have a cross-section of parents from across the year levels attending these meetings. Given the latest COVID restrictions, this first meeting will need to be held using the ZOOM platform


If you would like to attend, please email me directly at by 9:00pm Friday 25 February. Thank you to those parents who have already emailed. I will send out the ZOOM link on Monday. The Parents’ Association has grown substantially in the past three years and I am looking forward to working with you all again this year.