Faith, Justice and Formation 

Mothers' Day Mass Tickets

Don’t forget that the Mothers' Day Mass ticket link will close at 12:00 PM tomorrow. Please look back at last week’s Especean for instructions and the link - College Newsletter (Especean) | St Patrick's College Strathfield (


After this time any spare tickets will be made available to grandmothers of the College when notified. This notification will be emailed to those who already have a ticket during the school holidays. Final numbers for the event need to be known by the venue by 21 April. Please note that it will be No Ticket, No Entry. (All attendees will be given an entry ‘pass’ in the week leading up to the Mass.) It will be a normal school day for boys who do not go to the Mass and then all boys attending the Mass will return to the College for the remainder of the school day.


Gillian Daley

Director of Identity

Easter Blessings

As we conclude this term before Holy Week has begun, we wish you a prayerful preparation for the Easter season. The week ahead, from Sunday, marks the events in the Passion of our Lord, reminding us of the sorrow that leads to our joy. Without Easter, Christianity would not exist and so this is the time to remember the sacrifice of God’s only Son and celebrate his resurrection for our sake.


Our Holy Week Liturgy tomorrow will look at the inextricable connection between faith and service. It will not include Easter as we still await it at the end of the Lenten Season. We hope each of our St Patrick’s College families can experience their faith in their parishes in coming weeks, and that some time is given by all to the service of others.


Christ speaks:         I told you at the start, my other self,

                                    my life was not complete

                                    until I crowned it by my death.

                                    Your ‘way’ is not complete

                                    unless you crown it by your life.


                                    Accept each moment as it comes to you,

                                    with faith and trust

                                    that all that happens has my mark on it.

                                    A simple fiat (yes), this is all it takes;

                                    a breathing in your heart,

                                    ‘I will it, Lord.’


                                    So seek me not in far-off places.

                                    I am close at hand.

                                    Your workbench, office, kitchen,

                                    these are altars

                                    where you offer love.

                                    And I am with you there.


                                    Go now! Take up your cross

                                    and with your life

                                    complete your way.


From Everyone’s Way of the Cross by Clarence Enzler (Ave Maria Press; Notre Dame, Indiana 1970).


God bless you all. May you know Christ more fully and see him in the faces of all whom you meet. 


Peace and love.


Gillian Daley

Director of Identity

on behalf of the Identity Prefects – Anthony Chahin (Faith Formation), Paul Akle (Social Justice), Joshua Chander (Sustainability), Francis Ters (Inclusive Community)