Important Daily School Information


The school Website, PAM and Facebook provides important and up to date information for parents and carers. 


Attendance Matters

Going to school each day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day - missing school puts them behind. Please ensure your child is at school prior to 8:55am and not collected until 3:20pm. I encourage you to consider the negative impacts of missing school time to give your child the best opportunity to succeed in their learning. All non-medical related absence from school is discouraged.

If your child does arrive late or leaves early, please follow the correct below procedure.


Signing Your Child In and Out and Late to School Process

All children who are arriving at school after 9am or leaving school before 3.20pm MUST be signed in/out at the office by an adult.

If you need to take your child out of the school during school hours for any reason, please come to the office to sign your child out.


Student Absences

If your child is absent from school for any reason, it is vital that you notify the school prior to 9am, along with the reason for the absence.

Attendances and absences are recorded by the Department of Education, so it is very important that these records are maintained correctly.

Please notify the school through the Absence Notification on PAM 

SMS messages will be sent to parents to advise of any unexplained absences. Should you receive one of these please contact the school as soon as possible.


Arrival Time

Yard supervision begins at 8:30am and we asked that children do not arrive at school before 8:30am. We have Before School Care to support parents who need to drop children off earlier.  It is very important that all children arrive at school in time to settle and be best prepared for their day between 8.30 and 8.50am


Safe Entering and Exiting of the School

The safety of our community is always paramount and your cooperation in the following areas is expected.

Hogan St Crossing is supervised and crossing rules apply to all adults and children. The school crossing must be used at all times when crossing Hogan St. For safety reasons, please do not walk through the staff car park at any time.



Children are asked to walk their bikes/scooters through the school grounds at all times. Children riding must meet the Hunter St duty teacher and exit the school grounds using Hunter St only. For the safety of residents, we ask that children do not begin riding until after Moyola. In the morning bikes may enter either through Hunter St or Hogan St but students must walk bikes/scooters in the school grounds at all times. When entering through Hogan St bikes/scooters must be walked between the church and the Mercy Centre.


Car Park

Children picked up in the car park must use the supervised crossing and wait with the supervising teacher on the hall side of the gate.  Children are not permitted to enter the car park any other way or walk through the car park unaccompanied. Adults must come to the gate to meet them. If children are not collected by 3:35pm the supervising teacher will take their child back to the office area. 

Cars must reverse into the car parks. Drivers are asked to pay particular attention when exiting the car park to children walking along the footpath. Cars must give way at all times. 


Hunter Street Gate

Children leaving through the back gate must wait at the sports shed for the supervising teacher and walk with teacher to the Hunter St gate. Adults must leave their car to collect children if parked on the other side of the road. If children are not collected by 3:35pm the supervising teacher will take their child back to the office area.


School Drop Off and Pick Up

We ask that parents do not park in the bus zone or staff car park.



Bus children meet at the front of school immediately after the dismissal bell to be marked off the roll. 



Our school uniform reinforces our children’s pride in their appearance and instils recognition of themselves as an integral member of Sacred Heart Parish community. Being part of Sacred Heart School means wearing our school uniform correctly. 


There are a few reminders about our expectations about our school uniform:

  • Black shoes and navy socks are to be worn - runners are only to be worn when wearing our sports uniform 
  • Nail polish is not acceptable 
  • A student's hair should be off their face and, if longer than shoulder length, it must be tied back in an appropriate school coloured band. [navy, gold, white] 
  • No jewellery should be worn to school, (small plain studs/sleepers and watches are permitted).

Our uniform should only be purchased from our official suppliers, Tatura Logos & Promos, Hogan Street Tatura or The School Uniform Shop Corio Street Shepparton. Some second hand items are available at school.

I ask that parents ensure your children wear our correct uniform each day. 



Please keep your children home if they are sick but contact the school before school commences. Parents/carers will be contacted if their child is too unwell to stay at school or there is any type of bump to the head.


If it is considered necessary we will not hesitate to call an ambulance so it is important for families to have up to date ambulance cover.


All medications administered at school must have a signed authorisation form which includes the Medication, dosage and time administered. This form is available at the Office. All medications must only be administered at the office. They can be delivered each morning and collected at the end of the day. 


Children’s Wellbeing

On occasions something may be happening in your child’s life that may affect their behaviour or ability to settle at school. Though this may be difficult to discuss I strongly suggest that parents/carers share this with myself or the class teacher so we can best support your child while at school. Confidentiality is always assured. 


We also like to share their celebrations, achievements etc. and often share these through the newsletter so be sure to let us know if something exciting is happening in your child’s life.

Daily Timetable

8:55amMusic plays and children move to their classrooms
9:00amLessons begin 
10:00amFruit break (approximate time)
11:00amMorning break
11:40amClasses commence 
1:40pmAfternoon break
2:20pmClasses commence


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