Wellbeing MATTERS!

Wellbeing MATTERS!
Welcome Benvenuto
It’s Week Eight
What is resilience?
Simply, resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from situations that are difficult; tough; or that take us out of comfort zone. When we experience such events, they can cause us to worry, become stressed or anxious.
The ability to recover, or ‘bounce back’ from such situations, and return to our ‘norm’ is a part of the ‘act’ of being resilient and to continue with life’s daily events.
Resilience is not a skill that we can teach, but rather it is being able to navigate life’s challenges and to build a repertoire, or set, of skills and strategies that help us to bounce back. It’s the things that we innately do to help us cope.
Hugh van Cuylenburg, has worked extensively in this field and has developed a program, The Resilience Project. As a Co-Founder and Presenter, he has been able to engage with adults and children alike to empower them to become more aware of their ability to be resilient. “The research is clear; the more positive emotion you experience, the more resilient you will be.” The program focuses on three key pillars proven to cultivate positive emotion; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). You can find out more about The Resilience Project here:
As we navigate life we need to build on the positive emotions and how they can help us to cope. For example, as we approach our school athletics sports this Friday we will be filled with many emotions – the joy of participating, or the fear of coming last. We need to build our strategies to cope in both situations. For example, as I win the race, I should be proud and gracious of my win, I must also be mindful and aware of those who have come last. Use words of praise and encouragement, whilst showing gratitude for the competition. If I don’t win, I didn’t get a ribbon, or I came last, “oh well I did my best and I tried my hardest- next time!” Congratulate the winner and share in the joy of their victory. As we live with the ups and downs of life, we build our skills to become resilient and live life to the full.
How do you cope?
What example can you set your child?
Be Resilient
If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call. They offer many services to all members of our community – FREE.
Tip of the fortnight:
Do things that make you feel physically and emotionally safe, and be with those who are helpful to your wellbeing.
Are you taking care of yourself? Try this:
Grab a coffee to go and sit on the grass in the nearest park.
Go Geary!
Have a happy fortnight
Niente Senza Gioia
Pastoral Wellbeing Leader