Catholic Identity

Dear Families,
Let us Pray….
“God, may Your light guide my day, and Your spirit bring me peace.”
We are now heading into the
Year C | Sunday 20th March | purple
"I will fertilise it to make it grow."
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus tells the people a story. He describes a man who had a fruit tree that wasn’t growing any fruit. The man waits for three years and still it grows no fruit. He wants to chop the tree down, but the gardener tells him to wait one more year, and give it some fertiliser to help it grow.
Today's Gospel
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 13:6-9
I will fertilise it to make it grow.
Jesus told the people this story:
"A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard.
One day he went out to pick some figs, but he didn't find any.
So he said to the gardener, 'For three years I have come looking for figs on this tree, and I haven't found any yet.
Chop it down!
Why should it take up space?'
"The gardener answered, 'Master, leave it for another year.
I'll dig around it and put some manure on it to make it grow.
Maybe it will have figs on it next year.
If it doesn't, you can have it cut down. "
Reflecting on the Gospel Story….
What does it mean to be patient?
Can you remember a time when you had to be patient?
Who are the people in your life who are patient with you?
Last week was our families’ call to action.
How many jobs did you do around your home for your family?
Did you spend some time reflecting and praying during the second week of lent? Lent is all about listening to Jesus.
Do you have a favourite quiet place where you sit and listen to Jesus speaking in your heart?
Don’t forget to place your donation in the project compassion box in your classroom. Thank-you for your support.
The Catholic Identity team - Ella; Lachlan; Isabel; William; Sophia; and Tori - have been working hard to assist classes to commence the Lenten journey at Sacred Heart. They will continue to work as we progress through the weeks prior to Easter. They sold Zooper Doopers last Friday (4/3/2022) and added over $200 to our fundraising effort for Caritas. Thankyou!
The team will be selling them again on Friday 18th March - remember to bring your $1.
TBA | Beginning of the Year Whole School Mass |
Sunday 20th March, 10am | School - Parish Mass; Morning Tea after Mass Please let me know if your family will be attending Mass and your child(ren) are available to assist. |
1st April | ‘Caritas Ks’ - Gold Coin Donation for Project Compassion |
6th April, 5.30pm | Parish Reconciliation |
7th April 9.15am-11am | Holy Week Class Liturgies Parents are welcome to come onsite. We will be in the quadrangle. |
8th April | PPR - Easter |
Parish - School Mass - Children
The first School Mass for 2022 will be held on Sunday March 20th at 10am. This is a great opportunity for families to celebrate Mass with Fr John; the school community and Parish community.
A big thankyou to the students and their families who are participating in the Mass on Sunday.
Mrs Nihill and the school choir will also be there to help us celebrate Mass and lead the singing - everyone is welcome to be a part of the singing on this day - adults included.
Morning Tea will be held in the Parish Hall after Mass. Please bring a plate to share.
Sacramental Program 2022
Registrations are now being accepted for the 2022 Sacred Heart, Tatura Sacramental Program.
Children who are baptised Catholic and are in grade 3 and above are invited to register for the programs. Registrations will close on April 1st. Enrolment forms are available on the school newsletter or from the school office.
Preparation for Confirmation and First Eucharist will commence in term 2 with an information and formation meeting for Parents only in week 1 and conclude with the Bishop and Fr John administering the Sacrament at a Mass later in the term.
Preparation for Reconciliation will commence in term 3 with an information and formation meeting for Parents only - details to follow.
For further information please contact Debbie Turvey at Sacred Heart school, either by phoning the school (58241841) or email (
What’s Happening in OUR Classrooms:
Students and teachers have been working on the RE topics of “I am Special so are You” (F/1); “Daily Life In Jesus’ Time” (Gr2); “Jesus’ Parables” (Gr 3/4); “Living as Disciples” (Gr5/6). You can see some of their work in the entrance as they explored these topics. Next time you’re in the entrance take a couple of minutes to read their work and reflect as they have. They explored the answers to some big questions:
What does it mean to be Christian?
How can I live like Jesus?
Where is Jesus in my life?
How can I know Jesus?
All the time coming to a deeper understanding and awareness of how much Jesus loved us and how we as a Community of Jesus can bring this message of love to all around us.
Topics are now heading into Lent as we approach the most significant time in our lives as Catholics (Christians) - the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Prayer for this week
Have a great week!
Debbie Turvey
RE Leader