Kids Corner

Book of the Week 

This book is pretty good. It's entertaining for kids of all ages. I recommend this book. It's very good.


To listen to the read aloud click the link ⬇️



Q: Why was the Easter bunny so upset? 

A: He was having a bad hare day.


Q: How do dairy farmers use to solve long division?

A: A cow-culator!


Q: Why was zero jealous of eight?

A: Because he was wearing a belt.

Movie Review

Light Year is the origins of Buzz Light Year and his adventures to infinity and beyond.


Q. What happens when frogs park illegally?

A: They get toad.


Q. How does the sky pay its bills?

A: With a raincheck.


Q. What goes up but never comes back down?

A: Your age.


Q. What build has the most stories?

A: A library.


Mrs. Basile's Coding Class

As the grade five and sixes know Mrs. Basile has a coding class for the five and sixes to participate in if they aren’t in the rock band or choir.

And here are some photos from the coding class.