Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day!


The year has had a somewhat disjointed start, with a few of our staff and students in the 3/4 learning area being absent for the first part of the term. Luckily, we now have mostly everyone back on deck and ready to get on with some great learning!

 Take Home Reading Program

We have started our Take Home reading program across the 3/4 classes. We encourage you to regularly listen to your child read and acknowledge their reading in their student diary. Please speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions about this program.

Mrs J has returned!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Mrs J (and Baby J!) back to BPS. She will be working for three days a week in 3/4A - on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. She has been very missed!


EarthEd Excursion

This Friday 25th February, our students are travelling to Ballarat to visit the EarthEd centre. This will link in with their learning about Space and Earth sciences during our Integrated Studies. Please ensure that you have returned your child's signed permission slip by Thursday! If you need a new slip, please let us know and we can send a new one home for you to sign.