Foundation Class

Preps and their Grade 6 Buddies

We have been lucky enough to start up our school Buddy Program again this year. This is where a Grade 6 student is paired up with a Prep student for an activity every two weeks. The purpose of our Buddy Program is to support a smooth transition for the Prep students. It also promotes a social and support network for the students beginning Prep and promotes a sense of community and belonging in the school.


This term the whole school are looking at Dreamtime and First Nations stories and their unique significance that allows the students to learn about the cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Preps and their Buddies learned about the Dreamtime story of ‘The Rainbow Serpent’. The story tells of an all-powerful rainbow serpent that travelled across the flat land in search of his own people. As he travelled from the south to the north of the country, he made formations in the land.


The students had to use paint to decorate paper which will become a whole class ‘Rainbow Serpent’. Everyone had a lot of fun and it was great to see the friendships and the conversations that were taking place during the activity between the Grade 6 and Prep buddies.

Bryce and Ted discussing what to do next.
Bryce and Ted discussing what to do next.
Preps and their buddies having fun.
Preps and their buddies having fun.
Isla and her buddy Chad discussing the different colours they were using.
Isla and her buddy Chad discussing the different colours they were using.
Aliza and her buddy Zaylee using dots to complete their section of the Rainbow Serpent.
Aliza and her buddy Zaylee using dots to complete their section of the Rainbow Serpent.