Grade 5/6

What a start to 2022 in Grade 5/6!


We have achieved so much already and we are excited to see what the rest of the year holds. 

What has happened in the last few weeks around the year level? 



Interschool Sports, Hockey day and Swimming

It is wonderful to see the students back into all things sports and education this year at school. They are beaming with smiles to just be out there enjoying these events. It is awesome to see the encouragement, sportsmanship and leadership come through at each event. We were also lucky enough to create a video for Olympian Scotty James and watch his silver medal event. 



The students have loved meeting their buddies. They are out playing together at Recess and Lunchtimes and it is so nice to see the big students embrace and support the younger students. We have students coming back into class telling us about how they helped the younger ones and are showing great RESPONSIBILITY. The feedback from the Preps and Grade 1s is that they have a new found confidence having an older buddy. 


Sex Ed: 

Students completed 3 sessions of Sex Ed. The students showed RESPECT and participated well throughout the three weeks. They may have questions and we encourage you to have open conversations with them. 



In our Reading and Writing this term we have started looking at Narratives. We are identifying the features of a narrative and how to write our own. We are a few chapters in to our class novel Blueback where we are looking at figurative language that the author is using. 



In Numeracy we have started looking at number and place value and perimeter. Students are working hard at identifying a prime and composite number. Challenge them to tell you the prime numbers up to 100. Hint: There are 25 of them. 


We have had a fabulous start to Term 1 - 2022. Let's keep it up Grade 5/6. 

Alysha Buzzini -

Brooke Eastwood -

Stuart Jones -