Principal's Message

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

Dale Carnegie

Dear Parents and Guardians,


As we reach the end of Term 1, I would like to reflect on all that we have for which to be thankful. I thank you as parents for your understanding and your commitment to your daughter’s education. Not only do we continue to experience the remnants of Covid-19 in so many ways and in all its variants, but this has been an incredibly unseasonable time for the volume of rainfall that has been delivered. I am aware this ‘big wet’ has added much pressure to the lifestyles of many parents as you try to juggle the competing environmental commitments in the face of uncertain workplace pressures. Thank you so much for your tolerance and understanding as we work with you to deliver the best outcome to each girl at this College. As I mention this, I also wish to extend our thoughts and prayers for all those affected by the floods and other personal tragedy. These remain difficult times for all and while most of us may not be directly affected as others have been, the effects of everything before us at the moment extend to the very core of our Catholic principles of care and compassion. As a College Community, we pray for those in need and trust they will receive the assistance they require.


I also would like to thank the teachers and staff of Brigidine College. In the face of much adversity, they have stepped up and answered the call to cover those areas where other staff may be affected by health issues or Covid-19. On this front, it has not been easy to remain open as a school and avoid the transition to remote learning. I understand the difficult pressures that remote learning places on each family should such a decision be made and want you to know that we will do everything possible to avoid this circumstance. The staff has been terrific in accepting additional responsibilities to ensure we continue to commit to the single delivery mode of face-to-face teaching. As a College, we realise that the education of each and every girl comes before our personal needs and I am very proud of the manner in which the staff recognises the importance of this through the way many of them have adjusted their timetables to assist. 


I also wish to express my thanks to all staff and students for the manner in which the Open Day was conducted. It was a tremendous success and it remains an effort by all to make it work smoothly and effectively. It is a pinnacle showcase event for the College and is vital for assisting parents to understand what Brigidine College may offer their daughter(s). The overwhelming numbers of parents and young students who attended the day, in spite of the inclement weather, is, again, a testament to the efforts of many.


I need to also make special mention of our Student Leadership Team who, through their gentle guidance and thoughtful care, create a continual sense of positive spirituality and giving, as they impress their style upon their peers and junior members of this College. Their respectful and inclusive leadership approach in all they do, ensures they bring the student body of Brigidine College with them on their Year 12 journey. They are a remarkable group of girls whose spirit of commitment to this College and those within it, is highly valued.


If you have opportunity at this time for a break, please enjoy any rest that you can get. Please know that the College remains available to support your needs in any way that we are able. 


On a personal note, I depart in just under two weeks to travel to the United States to see my two children. It has been two and a half years since we’ve been able to hug them and this will be an incredibly powerful moment for Jeff and me. Our time with them will be short, but very rewarding. 


Thank you again for your understanding and spirit of commitment as part of this community. Together, we will work to ensure the best care and education for the girls of this College.


Wishing you God's richest blessings at this holy season of Easter.


Mrs Sharyn Quirk
