Cheltenham East Primary News and Events


2023 Stationary orders must be placed by 20 December 2022


All families are required to directly purchase their stationery items for use in the classroom.

All orders must be completed by 20th December 2022 in order to be guaranteed an on time and complete delivery directly to the school, in readiness for the 2023 school year.


Please follow the link below to purchase your books from Maxims Office Group.


Access Code is CHELTENEAS



Hello everyone,


The library stocktake has begun this week. All classes have had their final library session and we now need to ensure all library books are returned. All grade teachers will set up a tub for returned books in their classroom.


Overdue book notices with the book title and the overdue return date, have gone home this week. If your child brings one of these notices home with them, please have a good look at home and return the book(s) as soon as possible. Sometimes students may have returned books to the library shelf before they are scanned back into the system. During the stocktake we normally find these book titles. These students will be informed, and their overdue notice will be edited. If the book is damaged or you know that the book is lost, please contact your child’s teacher so they can pass this information onto us.


We will hold a second handbook sale on Wednesday 14th December. Books will sell for 20 cents each and we will use the money to buy book display materials. There will be a nice selection of picture story books, novel and non-fiction books for sale. Some of these books may have some damage to the cover or they are titles that have been in the library since early 2000.


Thank you for your support

Mrs Douglas and Mrs Waugh.


Over the term, we have had a great start to our Bike Ed program.  From Grade 1 through to Grade 6, students have been learning about the importance of safety while around and/or riding a bike.  They have been learning about bike checks such as wearing a helmet correctly, checking brakes, tyres and the correct fit for a bike as well as various road rules. 


The students have had a lot of fun and have commented that they LOVE bike ed! Thank you to all teachers, families and friends for helping make this program such a success. There have been a lot of bikes at school.