Physical Education

Jordan Beck
Physical Education
To finish off the year in Physical Education, Prep – Year 2 students have been enjoying playing Christmas themed games as well as activities that challenge their teamwork, catching, and passing. Many classes are having their last PE lesson for the year, so we have been celebrating by playing games that classes have voted for to cap off an amazing 2022.
I want to say a big thank you to all the parent helpers as well as staff who have assisted this year with the running of inter-school sport, sports carnivals, as well as swimming lessons. Without the help from our volunteers, these great opportunities for our students would not be possible.
I would like to shine a light on one of our year 6 students, Nevon, who recently represented Victoria in the School Sports Australia Cricket Championships. Nevon had an amazing tournament scoring 55 runs overall with his highest being 35 against Western Australia, as well as most catches overall in the tournament with 6. Not only did he have a successful tournament individually, but he was also nominated Vice Captain for Victoria, which shows his leadership! Victoria was victorious in winning the School Sports Australia Championship by beating New South Wales in the final. Nevon and his team will be receiving their medals at the MCG during the Boxing Day test. Congratulations on a tremendous achievement Nevon and you have done Kingwood Primary School proud.