Assistant Principal

Megan Franklyn
Assistant Principal
Wow we’ve done it! Made it through the whole of 2022 without a lockdown from school and return to remote learning! We really need to congratulate all our students who have grown so much socially and academically in the last 12 months and to all our staff who have supported the children and each other.
Some highlights from the year have included our Term 1 Stomp concert, our whole school ‘Colour Run’, our camp experiences from Prep to Year 6, including the prep breakfast and the trip to Canberra, our Japanese cultural day and our many year level expo's showcasing the learning of our students.
Our whole school transition day ran super smoothly with students and teachers having a lovely morning getting to know each other and beginning to set expectations for the new year.
Remember over the school holidays to talk positively about the new year, re-read your meet the teacher letters and as the return to school approaches begin starting up your school routines again. This includes returning to normal bedtimes and wake up times, finding bags, hats, lunchboxes and school uniform. Try to keep reading with your child throughout the holidays and encourage them to read to themselves too.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday period and look forward to seeing you in the new year!