Principal's Message

Dear families and staff,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and refreshed after the holiday break. It is great to have everyone back at school and to welcome new families and students to our community.
This year, we have some exciting new additions to our staff team, including Sonia Moyle as our SLP Coordinator. Belinda Cahill as a year 2 teacher, Robert Lee as our Physical Education teacher, Caroline Centa as a Year 5/6 teacher, Shenade Fenn, Dada Petkovic and Natasha Gray as Education Assistants, as well as Tess Prunty as our School Officer. I am confident that each of these individuals will make a positive contribution to our school and our students' learning.
I would like to extend my congratulations to Kelsey Andrews who got married during the holidays. Additionally, I would also like to extend congratulations to our 2022 graduates who have successfully started their high school journey. We look forward to having them visit us in the future.
Mark your calendars! Our annual School Open Night is coming up on Wednesday,1 March from 4:00PM to 5:30PM. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to take a tour of our classrooms, see their children's work on display, and learn more about our daily routines and programs. Classroom teachers will speak briefly with parents about the year ahead at 4:30PM (for K - 2) and 5:00PM (for 3 - 6). The P&C will be grilling up a delicious sausage sizzle, so bring your appetite! We hope to see you there.
As a reminder, our school operates on the Caring Cs, where we encourage our students to care for themselves, care for others, and care for the environment. This year, we have a new reward process in place, with shorter periods between rewards and the opportunity for students to attend games, movies and other fun activities every two weeks if they have earned two care coins and maintained satisfactory behaviour. If a student attends 4 out of 5 rewards throughout the term, they will be eligible to attend the final reward of the term, which will be water slides this term.
Our Year 5 and 6 students began swimming lessons this week and will continue through next week at Mullaloo Beach. Not only is swimming a fun and enjoyable activity, but it is also an important life skill. The swimming staff will be ensuring that all students receive proper instruction and are practicing safe swimming habits. I encourage all students to make the most of this opportunity to build their confidence in the water and develop their swimming skills.
We are excited to announce the schedule for our class assemblies this year. Each class will have the opportunity to showcase their talents and hard work in front of the school community. The assemblies will take place on the following dates:
Term 1, Week 5: Bilbies
Term 1, Week 10: Magpies
Term 2, Week 5: Kangaroos
Term 2, Week 10: Quokkas
Term 3, Week 3: Emus
Term 3, Week 6: Kookaburras
Term 3, Week 9: Possums & E-Hub
Term 4, Week 5: Echidnas
We encourage all families to come and support our students as they shine on stage. Mark the dates in your calendars and stay tuned for further information about each assembly.
I am looking forward to an exciting and productive year ahead. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Adrian Keenan