Digital Technology

Digital Technology and STEM

Welcome back to a new school year! I am really excited about having the opportunity to support our students and teachers with digital technology and STEM this year. I can’t wait to see what everyone can do! 

Student Cybersafety Agreement 

To help us to get started for the year please ensure that you return your signed Student Cybersafety Agreement to your class teacher as soon as possible. These will be sent home this week and students will need to read them through with a parent or guardian, sign and return it, before they can begin using the computers and technology at school. 

Safer Internet Day - 7 February

Safer Internet Day is celebrated on 7 February, 2023. 

The theme this year is Connect. Reflect. Protect. This is a global event aimed at bringing together communities, families, individuals and organisations in over 200 countries to help create safer online spaces. We will look at ways we can connect, reflect and protect ourselves online over the next few weeks in our class groups and work towards making everyday safer on the internet. To find out more, please visit 


Allison Bayliss
