Learning and Teaching

Learning and Teaching


Welcome to 2023!  It is going to be an exciting year for all our students with some wonderful Inquiry units for our students to explore this term.


 Thanks to all of our parents for supporting our students for their individual testing appointments with their new teachers.  We always appreciate this time as it helps teachers to gather vital information about what students already know and where to next, in relation to their learning. 


Our whole school concept for the year is GRATITUDE, which will underpin all student learning this year. We will be promoting ‘student voice’ when designing our inquiry learning units, inviting students from Prep to 6 to contribute their ideas through pre-assessments and discussions. Our teachers continue to do this to assist our learners to see the relevance of their learning in relation to our world today, in conjunction with the expected Victorian Curriculum standards. 


Term Overviews

Our Term 1, Prep to Year 6 overviews will be sent out shortly, outlining the content to be covered in core areas, specialist teaching, inquiry, wellbeing, student capabilities and Religious Education.  We encourage you to read through these, so that you can keep in touch with the learning intentions for our students this term.  


Meet & Greet

Shortly a link will be given to all families to make an appointment to meet with your child’s teachers. This is an opportunity for you as parents to share any relevant information regarding your child’s strengths, opportunities for growth and interests with the class teacher. The date for this will be in Week 3 on Tuesday, 14 February.