


What a wonderful year of sport we have in 2022! I have thoroughly enjoyed leading sport this year and look forward to the future to see what Windang will be able to achieve in another wonderful year of sport! 

Windang PS Soccer World Cup 2022

Over the past 2 weeks Windang has been participating in the Windang World Cup! 

All members showed great teamwork and sportsmanship over the 2 weeks and we are so proud of our students for cheering on the teams at all of the games! 


A special congratulations to Netherlands for winning the cup in the K-2 division and Belgium for winning the cup in the 3-6 division. 


Congratulations to Brazil and France for making the final!! Well done everyone. 


Thank you Miss Rogers, Miss Khaika & Mr Smith for coordinating and refereeing the numerous lunchtime games in preparation for today’s GRAND FINAL games. Thank you to our families who came along today to cheer on the kids & thank you our special lines men for volunteering their time. 


There was also a special appearance by the Windang PS Cheerleaders!


Check out our photos from the day! 

Swimming Carnival - Wednesday 23 November - Term 4 

Our 2023 swimming carnival was a huge success!! It was a beautiful sunny day filled with lots of happy faces. 


Thank you to all of the wonderful helpers on the day!


Check out our wonderful photos from the day! 

I cannot wait to see all the fantastic sporting events in the weeks to come. Keep up the great work Windang!!



I cannot wait to see what sporting events Windang will have next year! 


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


Miss Rogers 

Sport Coordinator