Yr5 Illawarra HPAG

Year 5 Illawarra HPAG

In Week 5 of this term, the High Performing and Academically Gifted (HPAG) classes across the Illawarra, celebrated a fantastic 25-week program of learning by hosting 

End-of-Year Exhibitions of their work. 

The 2022 Coniston HPAG class, which included students from Coniston, Mount St Thomas, Keiraville, Mount Keira Demonstration, Wollongong West, Cringila, Windang, Port Kembla and Kemblawarra Public Schools, were all thrilled to show some of the amazing learning they had been a part of this year. 


Visiting primary and high school principals & teachers, parents & carers and other special guests were treated to exhibits that were constructed with creativity, deep knowledge and careful organisation. They were able to engage in the learning through film trailers, animations, soundscapes, models, information posters, quizzes, dioramas. The favourite part for many was the class performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The students demonstrated a deep understanding of the story and characters through their dramatic vocal and facial expressions. 


A massive thank you to the organising Principals, host schools and participating schools, who make this program possible.     


Ms Erin Lam 

HPAG Teacher


Let's hear from Ashtyn

Hi I’m Ashtyn. I attended the HPAG program every Tuesday this year.
What did we do?
At Coniston HPAG, I learned about the big bang theory and I had an opportunity to do writing on the laptops for a project called the Dome. In the big bang theory, I learnt about what we evolved from. In the dome we had set tasks for the whole class to do, but we could write it in a different way and we could be in a group or not. I decided to be in a group with Romeo and a friend I met there named Max.
What was my favorite subject?
My favorite subject was the dome because I love working in groups. At the end of the year we presented the thing we loved most and we got to do a play about McBeth and Scotland.
I had so much fun and learned heaps!

Let's hear from Romeo

Hello everyone!
So you might wonder what HPAG stands for? It stands for High Potential and Academically Gifted students. As part of the learning, I went to Coniston Public School once a week on Tuesdays. In the class we did most of the normal stuff like math, science and english. We also did a couple different things like learning about William Shakespeare and performing plays.
We worked on a  massive english project called the dome.It is this thing where you are some scientist that researches this bubble dome that covers a bit of earth.
Also it's dangerous and you forget your memory there. But who cares? We did mostly writing but we had to create different stuff like videos, photos and crafts. The dome was probably my favourite one. 
We also did science on the world and how the universe was made. This was very complex. We had two teachers, the first one was called Mrs Hanes and she was our teacher for 3 quarters of the year but sadly she had to go to England. Our new one was called Ms lam. 
At the end of the year we did an expo. We had to do a play of Macbeth and chose a subject to work on. I chose the dome obviously, because it is my favourite. For it we made an Imovie and a base plate for what it looks like.
It was so much fun!