Education in Faith




Our points for the Community Spirit Shield will end this term and the House with the most points will be presented with the shield at our last assembly for the year.





1ST           MACKILLOP        340

2ND          PATRICK               254

3RD          TERESA                 252

4TH          BOSCO                  249

What an amazing effort TERESA!!!



1ST           TERESA                 4 332

2ND          MACKILLOP        4 094

3RD          PATRICK               3 757

4TH          BOSCO                  3 750

Teresa is still in the lead but not by much!!



Just a reminder that next week we will begin our Christmas Appeal. Students will come home on Monday with a tag that tells you the hamper item they will need to bring in. 


The Christmas trees will also go up in the Learning Spaces and students will be able to buy a present for a child who may otherwise not receive a Christmas present this year. To collect a tag from the Giving Tree students will need to have a note in their diary from their parents saying they are allowed to take a tag. LSOs in each Learning space will then assist students to find a tag with their House coloured ribbon. 


All items collected will go to our St Vincent de Paul Conference based at St Kevin’s and they will hand them out to those in our community who are less fortunate and may not otherwise be able to celebrate the birth of Christ. Students will also be given points for their houses for the hamper item they bring in and for any Christmas present they buy for demonstrating community spirit.


A big thanks to the SFS Community for their constant support!


Giuliana & Mini Vinnies

Sacramental News 2023

To assist us with the administration and preparation of the Sacraments for 2023 we ask you to please accept/decline on Operoo, to indicate the Sacrament your child will be celebrating in 2023


Dates for Sacraments, Parent and Child Workshops will be published in our school app, calendar and newsletter closer to the date of the Sacrament. 



Baptised Catholics in Year 3 or above.


Sacrament of First Eucharist 

Baptised Catholics in or above who have received their Reconciliation.


Sacrament of Confirmation 

Year 6 ONLY Catholics, who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and First Eucharist.

First Sunday in Advent – Year A

This week is the first Sunday of Advent. 


It sees the commencement of the new liturgical year. This new liturgical cycle is referred to as Year A and features the gospel of Matthew. Advent comes from the Latin word Adventus which literally means ‘coming’; it is used to describe the second coming of Jesus. So Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation of the coming of Christ into the world that is celebrated in the Nativity at Christmas. The gospel passage chosen, richly expresses that anticipation and need for preparation.


It may seem a little confusing that we begin our year-long exploration of the gospel of Matthew by taking a reading from chapter 24. However, the need for readiness and alertness that Jesus speaks about in relation to the coming of the Kingdom is equally suitable for a modern audience when preparing to celebrate once again the coming of Jesus into the world. Jesus is the best expression of the Kingdom that we have yet experienced and so rather than seeing the choice of this passage as a confusion, we should recognise the alignment that exists between the anticipation of the Kingdom and the anticipation of the Nativity.


The two great feasts of Christianity – the Nativity and Easter – are each led by a period of preparation: Advent and Lent. The emphasis of these seasons is on the mental and spiritual preparation to fully enter into one of the great mysteries of faith. In the Nativity, we celebrate God become human; God present in the world in a physical way. Advent is a time to remember the many and varied ways that God continues to be present in the world.


Our Gospel Focus – Get Ready!

Jesus draws a parallel between the people in Noah’s time and the people of his own time. What it reflects is a gratification that periodically overtook the Jewish people. When the people bound themselves to God in covenant their lives gradually became better. Inevitably, their lives improved to such a state that they forgot God was responsible for their blessings. They ignored their relationship with God and became complacent about their good fortune. Ultimately, their comfort was brought to an end and they recognised once again their need for God. Jesus calls the people to get ready because the pattern is repeating itself.


Scriptural context – Burglars in the night

The teachings and sayings of Jesus reveals him to be a clever public speaker and story teller. His use of imagery and language captivated the imagination of his audience. The reading is an example where Jesus used a confronting image simply to gain his audience’s attention. He does not intend to suggest that God sneaks up on us like a burglar and is seeking to catch us out. The image conveys the need to prepare for what might happen unexpectedly.


Historical Context – The Advent Wreath

One of the major symbols of the Advent season is the wreath. The encircling wreath is symbolic of God without beginning or end and the green foliage represents our hope in God. There are usually five candles in the wreath, a central white candle representing the light of Christ that came into the world and then four outside candles that are usually purple and rose coloured. The first candle is generally symbolic of Hope and Expectation. The third candle – the rose or pink candle – celebrates the Joy that is anticipated in the coming of Christ. The progressive lighting of the candles marks the journey towards the Nativity.


Discussion Starters

What are some things you look forward to?

How do you get ready to prepare for them?

Today we begin Advent – a time where we prepare for the coming of Jesus.

Jesus asks us to live properly. How can we live properly?

How can we make Advent a time of preparation this week?


God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose