
From the Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

Well, here we are finally at the end of the first year “out” of covid. The first year without lockdowns. The year where masks became a choice and not a mandate. This is the year where hybrid learning became an option to consider and not something we all HAD to do.


If you are like me, you are feeling a bit tired after all the change and uncertainty over the past three years. We have all had to make so many adjustments to the way we do “normal” that our heads are spinning.


As we approach the end of the year, and Christmas, we consider our Heavenly Father who NEVER changes. He is constant. He is reliable. He is faithful. He is forever good. What an amazing gift to take a breath and consider his goodness in sending his son, Jesus, so that we can be in relationship with him forever.

I have been thinking about how that gift changes things. How it changes the way we live and the way that we see the world. In Acts chapter 3, we read the account of Peter and John who were on the way to pray at the temple, as was their daily habit. On the way, they passed by a man who had been lame from birth. As was the custom of the day, people with such disabilities were dependent on begging for charity from others, and so often sat outside temples hopefully. These people were mostly unseen by those passing by – they were so used to seeing them, that they really didn’t see them anymore.


The thing in this story, is that Peter and John didn’t just pass by like everyone else. The bible tells us that they “looked intently” at the man. They spoke to him with dignity and care and then they healed him. Peter and John had their lives so impacted by (the story of Christmas), the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus, that they were different people.


My prayer for us all this Christmas, is that we really hear the truth of the story and are forever changed by it. I pray that we are so impacted, that we “look intently” at those around us. We see the needs of others and respond in love.

My prayer too is for our community to be safe, well and joyful over the summer break, and return in the new year refreshed.

May God be with you all this Christmas.


Lily McDonald

Deputy Principal