Delahey Campus Principal Message

Campus Principals’ Report - Delahey
August 2022
Hello to all in the Delahey campus community. We have now turned toward the back end of the year with spring about a month away. It has certainly felt like an incredibly long winter with some particularly arctic days to negotiate. The weather has been a little miserable as has been some of the daily news we hear, especially around covid numbers increasing and all the associated consequences of the pandemic that I don’t need to go into because you all know.
It’s been a very bumpy ride here at Copperfield College with disruptions caused by staff absences but also the disruptions you have felt at home in your own diverse ways as a result of covid. If the pandemic taught us anything, it taught us to be more empathetic and understanding for all our lives at home.
Here at Delahey, we’ve probably escaped the worst of those staff shortages and we also have some flexibility with the timetable, but the disruptions will continue no doubt.
Face Masks
Having said this, there are small things we can do to support each other. One of them is to strongly recommend your children to wear face masks. The Department of Education continue to remind us that wearing a face mask can protect us and those around us. They stop droplets spreading when we talk, cough, sneeze or laugh and this lowers our chance of catching or spreading the virus.
Delahey Experience Day
During the last week of last term, our Pathways Team which include Campus Leaders and Campus Principals hosted Year 10 students from the Sydenham and Kings Park campus as part of their transition program which prepares them for life at Delahey next year. Students began the morning in the gymnasium with a presentation and then went on a familiarisation tour of the campus with Year 11 students as guides before returning to the gymnasium for a VCE/Vocational Major specific presentation. Students were also provided with activities to complete which supports their overall course counselling which has just concluded. Thanks to all involved
VCAL Careers Expo
On Friday July 15, Year 11 and 12 VCAL students attended an incredibly worthwhile and thought-provoking work expo held at the Melbourne Convention Centre.
Students were able to wander around and enquire about job opportunities from over 100 exhibitors across multiple areas. We also encouraged our students to take advantage of all the promotional merchandise that was on offer. A big thanks to Ms. Breen, our VCAL Leader for the organisation, and to all teachers who attended
VCAL projects update
Year 12 VCAL PDS projects are now complete with all the compliances and evaluations being completed. Students will undertake their final presentation to teachers on August 31. Staff have been given opportunities to partake in some of the projects; namely the Sunshine Hospital Volunteers High Tea, the Christmas in July lunch with residents of Arcare (via Webex this year) and the outdoor staff social area beautification program, including an almost-complete pizza oven. Well done to all students with all their projects, but just as importantly, to our dedicated PDS teachers who not only teach but provide a pastoral role with their students to support them realise all outcomes of the project.
Year 11 Awards Assembly
On Friday July 22, all Year 11s assembled in the gymnasium to celebrate the academic and consistent achievements of students in VCE and VCAL over semester 1. The assembly also featured performances from our talented Music students. As we know, acknowledgement and reward for effort provide some extrinsic motivation for us all as fillip to continue to strive to do our best. Well done to all.
General Achievement Test (GAT), Wednesday September 7
The GAT is a state-wide test of many disciplines which supports VCAA to ensure that school-based assessments and examination scores are consistent and reflect a student’s true ability. They are also used to come to a Derived Score should a student not be able to undertake an exam. Typically, all Year 12 VCE students and Year 11s undertaking a Year 12 subject undertake the test. This year however, all Year 12 VCAL students will also undertake a section of the GAT, that of Literacy and Numeracy. The school will communicate regularly about the importance of undertaking the GAT, as well as an assembly to explain it in further detail. We are also in the process of showing students sample questions and giving them an opportunity to trial them so that any anxiety is eased. Please remind your child that the GAT does not contribute to a student’s sore; it is there to support students if things don’t go to plan.
Boom Gate
Parents may have noticed we have a boom gate now at the Delahey campus. This is purely an Occupational Health and Safety initiative ensuring that visitors do not come into the carpark (sometimes at dangerous speeds) when those spaces are dedicated to staff. I would like to also ask parents dropping off or picking up their children to not park across driveways outside the school and obstruct access for residents. Thank-you.
Lateness to school
We are getting a concerning number of students every morning coming in late. We understand that sometimes, this cannot be helped, but we also need to educate our students and children about being on time, whether it’s school or work
New furniture for the Library and Study Centre
We are currently working with Business Interiors who will provide us with a proposal to refit the library and study centre at the Delahey campus. They have been onsite and have been given a brief of our needs. As we get closer to an agreed proposal, students will be given an opportunity to provide input into the final product. The refit is expected to be complete in time for the start of the 2023 school year
Parent Student Teacher Interviews
Another reminder that on August 29, we will conduct our interviews with families. It goes without saying that these are invaluable opportunities to discuss your child’s progress with their teachers and if required, work together to map a plan so that we’re all working together to achieve the best outcome for your child.
Christmas in July
I think that just about covers it all. I will be taking leave from Friday August 5 until the end of the term. The campus is in very capable hands with Dan Sullivan and all our leaders, including a yet-to-be appointed replacement.
Here’s hoping you all have a safe, healthy and happy term. See you all in Term 4.
Mr Renato Carinci and Mr Dan Sullivan
Campus Principals