2023 Scholarship Program

New Copperfield College Scholarship Program – 2023
Copperfield College is offering a new and exciting scholarship for Year 7 students coming to Copperfield College in 2023. 2-Year scholarships are available for these students in the following categories:
- Academic Excellence
- Performing Arts
- Community/Leadership
The scholarship for our successful Year 7 recipients is $500 each in value, and a device (laptop). In year 8, a further $500 will be awarded (conditions apply*). The $500 can be spent at the discretion of the student/family on school related items.
Academic Excellence Scholarships are available to students with an exemplary
academic record and who have demonstrated outstanding application, aptitude and
achievement in all studies.
Performing Arts Scholarships are available to students who have demonstrated
music/performing arts ability and a strong interest in performance. They will also have sound academic skills and may have participated in Contemporary Music exams or AMEB exams.
Leadership/ Community Scholarships are available to students with a solid
academic record who have demonstrated leadership skills and potential in a variety of
settings that include participation and commitment to school and community activities.
Additional Criteria: Applicants for all scholarship categories must also demonstrate a
strong work ethic at primary level, have been supportive of fellow students and have fully
participated in the life of their school.
For more information contact Krystal Allison on 9361 3888 or krystal.allison@education.vic.gov.au
or Tara Causer on 9365 4111 or tara.causer@education.vic.gov.au
Scholarship applications are due on the final day of Term 3 (16/09/2022).Visit our website www.copperfieldcollege.vic.gov.au to download the application.
Miss Krystal Allison & Miss Tara Causer
Transition Leaders