Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
First Aid
The First Aid room can be a very busy place, especially in winter with students displaying cold, flu, COVID and gastric symptoms. Please ensure that you keep children home if they are unwell in the morning, as the inevitable visit to First Aid ties up staff resources, leads to crowding in the First Aid room and most likely results in a phone call requesting the child to be collected.
Mask Wearing
The College appreciates families’ support with the request emailed this week for students in Year 4 and above to wear masks indoors. If students and staff wear masks as much as possible then our school community will benefit from the enhanced protection from COVID-19, influenza and other respiratory infections.
Student Wardrobe Update
Updates have been made to the Student Wardrobe Policy; it can be found in My Aitken and on the Aitken College website. In particular, girls may now wear either tights or short/long navy socks with winter uniform.