Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
Welcome back to all students, families and staff. Winter always brings cold weather, icy weather and sometimes even beautiful sunny days. As we contemplate the weather conditions, I remind families of the importance of keeping healthy and if your child is ill to keep them home to avoid spreading illness to students and staff.
The term has begun with a flurry of activities; students have been off competing in SSV sports competitions at division, district and state level, students have resumed music ensembles and the cast of this year’s musical have been busy rehearsing for “We Will Rock You", and so they will. The show is full of energy, special effects and great songs. Book your tickets through TryBooking.
The Parents and Friends Association have a number of events lined up for this term. Please support them in their endeavours.
We welcome new staff to the College: Ms Shivani Plaha – secondary English and Ms Carla Barrett – Secondary Humanities.
NAIDOC Week fell during the school holidays; however, this is a time to celebrate the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We continue to do this at the College through acknowledgement of country, curriculum initiatives and professional learning.
Chapel this term will focus on the theme of ‘Who is Jesus?’ and we started with discussion of this image and the importance of meeting together as we looked at the historical Jesus.
The College’s acknowledgement of country is:
“The community of Aitken College respectfully acknowledges the Wurundjeri peoples, on whose land our College is located. We reverently offer our respects to past, present and all indigenous people in our community, as it is their ancestors who have walked this country and built paths for us to follow. We acknowledge their special and unique place in our nation’s historical, cultural and linguistic identity. As a College, we strive to hear Indigenous voices in our teaching and learning by recognising, understanding and valuing their cultures and identities through the development of our minds and the opening of our hearts so we can learn from and alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples”.
New 3-6 Building
The new building is progressing, albeit more slowly than we would like. It is unlikely that it will be finished until sometime into Term 4. However, we will have a beautiful, innovative space for classrooms and specialist areas for Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Technology which all students from P-6 will utilise. An official opening will occur for all the community to have an opportunity to visit the new facility.
Mickleham Road
The College is meeting with Major Roads Victoria to discuss the design and construction of our signalised intersection. We look forward to that project commencing next year which, when completed, will make ingress and egress from the College grounds safer and more efficient for vehicles and pedestrians. Thank you to all those families who contributed to the consultation period on the Mickleham Road Upgrade.