Instrumental Music Program

Changes and reminders
Welcome back to Term 3 of the Instrumental Music Program!
This term we have made some changes to the application process from the start of Term 3. Paper application forms will no longer be accepted as they are no longer current. Applications for new enrolments for instrumental music lessons are now to be submitted through an online form which can found in the Music Lessons section on MyAitken.
If you require any further information before submitting an application, feel free to contact us at
We would also like to remind parents and students to please check the Music Handbook for cut-off dates regarding applications and cancellations. Cancellations for the following Term must be notified by the due date and prior to the commencement of lessons the following term. If cancellations are not notified prior to the due date then enrolments fees cannot be refunded. Details on cut off dates and our Instrumental Music Policy can be found in the Music Handbook in the Music Lessons section on MyAitken.
Ensemble Commencement
The College’s Instrument Music Ensembles commenced last week, and this is just reminder to parents and all students that rehearsals will continue during lunchtimes every week until the end of the school year.
If a rehearsal does not run because of tutor absence due to illness the Music Department will endeavour to notify students as soon as possible.
Students or parents must notify Ensemble Directors of intended absences as soon as possible, as Ensemble Directors will have planned rehearsals for each week and upcoming performances and repertoire selection for those is based on the instrumentation of the ensemble.
Mr Glen Impey
Acting Music Coordinator