
Year 10 Students
Careers interviews with Year 10 students are well underway. Students have attended their interviews very well prepared and have been a joy to chat to. It is always fascinating to hear about their plans for their future. These interviews will continue until each Year 10 student has been interviewed by a member of the Careers team. Please note that with the very tight timeline, it is helpful if students are able to attend interviews as scheduled or arrange a swap with another student. It should also be noted that it is not a case of “first in best dressed” with the Web Preferences system, students simply need to enter their subject choices by the end of the school day on 8 August. Information about the Web Preferences process, and an individual password, will be sent to all Year 10 students by 1st August.
Year 11 and 12 Students
Year 11 students are able to consult with Careers staff in B21 about their subject choices for Year 12 in 2023 should they have any concerns or queries (recess or lunchtimes in between the Year 10 interviews work well).
VTAC have advised that Year 12 Results will be released at 7:00am on Monday 12 December, 2022 and Change of Preference will close at 4:00pm on Wednesday 14 December. Ms Gibbs and Mrs Borg are attending a VTAC Briefing for Careers Practitioners in early August and we will have more information about the Results and Selection period after that.
Please note there is a VTAC Information Night scheduled for Monday 8 August at 7:30pm. This is a “MUST ATTEND” evening (via Zoom) for Year 12 VCE students planning to apply to TAFE and university for 2023. Parents are also invited and are most welcome to attend.
Career News 10
Career News Issue 10 is now available and includes information about:
- Becoming a Doctor – Monash University
- SAE Audio and Music courses
- The ACU Guarantee Early Offer Program
- An Archaeology major in the ACU Bachelor Arts degree
- Studying Certificate IV & Diploma in Photography at RMIT
- A Career in Psychology
- Engineering Apprenticeships at Qantas
- Studying Accounting at Victorian Universities
- A snapshot of Monash University in 2022
- Courses offered at the new VU City campus
- NECA Open Day
- RMIT Early Offer Program
- New majors in the Swinburne Bachelor Arts
- Professional Business Cadetships at UBS
- Schindler Apprenticeships Open Night
- Paramedicine degrees in Victoria
- A pathway to Paramedicine from VU TAFE
and much much more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2022 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email:
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors