PFC News

Your Parents and Friends Club needs your help to run events!


Welcome to Term 3. Your PFC has had a successful first half of the year raising over $7000 through the various activities that have been held. This wouldn't be possible without the many parents who volunteer their time to assist with these activities.


We are grateful that we always get sufficient volunteers to make these activities successful. However, we are in need of more people who are able to coordinate events to ensure that fresh ideas are introduced and responsibilities are more evenly spread throughout our school community.


There is a calendar of events planned for the remainder of the year but these can not happen if we don't have volunteers to coordinate and run them. So we are asking for you to please consider stepping up and coordinating one of the suggested events.  You can do it alone, with others or as part of a group and we will support you in making the event a success.


We invite you to visit this link and nominate to coordinate an event or even suggest an event or activity you would like to run. The events can also be purely social as these are key to strengthening our school community.


Please remember that we are all part of the PFC, and we need everyone's help to both raise funds for the school and contribute to our school community. Being involved in PFC events is fun, doesn't need to take up a lot of time and is a great way of meeting other parents.


Thank you for your support.


Your PFC Co-presidents,


Jenni W

Kylie F