What's Been happening?

Principal's Report
Dear parents and caregivers of the Cowra High School Community.
This week concludes a term where students have enjoyed the challenges their teachers have created to improve learning and move Cowra High School students out of their comfort zones. I have enjoyed the last ten weeks immensely leading Cowra High School and having the opportunity to work with amazing staff who are hardworking and students who are always striving to achieve their best in and out of the classroom.
Week 10 has seen NAIDOC Week celebrations begin for the Cowra community and our amazing Aboriginal Education Team have prepared opportunities for our school to showcase what Voice, Treaty and Truth means to all of us. This Thursday our school will celebrate NAIDOC and all of our students will be able to share in Indigenous culture. During this week our students have been invited to our feeder schools to conduct performances and workshops including Smoking Ceremonies, that are very special for mentoring our younger students on the importance of ceremony and dance. Thank you to Jared Burns for your leadership and working with our students. A big thanks to Aunty Robyn Coffey and her team for the tireless effort and commitment putting this week together.
Year 12 students have concluded this term sitting for their Trial Higher School Certificate Examinations. We wish them luck and staff will ensure they receive the feedback required to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills leading into the Higher School Certificate in Term Four.
The last two weeks I have read every students report form Years 7 to 11. Semester One reports reflect that all students at Cowra High School are known, valued and cared for. Teachers also know their students and how they learn. I encourage all students to read their reports, reflect on teacher feedback and implement, as they transition into Semester Two after the holidays.
Congratulations to the Dancers who performed at the Western Dance Festival in Bathurst. Mrs Buckley’s leadership of these amazing students reflects her ability to embed high performing dance teams reflecting the enjoyment they have performing in front of other schools and an audience with people from all over the Western Region.
Congratulations to the Boys Under 14's and 16's Futsal teams who won their divisions decisively. These two teams will go on to compete at the State Titles in Windsor at some stage during Term 3. A big thanks goes to Mr Leyland and Mrs Dunk who lead these teams on the day and provided them with the coaching to perform their best.
Congratulations to Doug Hughes, Daniel Van Ruth and Amanda Hughes on the leadership of the Night of Music last Thursday evening. They worked tirelessly over the week to pull it together, with lots of effort to setup and refine student performances. These evenings are fond memories for students to look back on and see the support from staff to challenge themselves, and performing in front of a large audience of 200, it takes determination and courage. The coaching and mentoring provided for these students from staff is what the community see and enjoy on the night. Cowra is amazing as a community coming together to support the education of students.
In March 2019 Year 12 student Ellee White was selected by the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) to attend the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) in July this year. The LIYSF aims to encourage young people to continue studying science related subjects at university and to build a career in the various science, technology and engineering fields and has been operating for more than 30 years. Each year, the NYSF facilitates participation in a number of similar international programs for young Australians in Year 12. In 2019, only 20 NYSF students will be heading off during the year for one of these opportunities. LIYSF is a two week residential student event held annually in London which attracts 500 of the world’s leading young scientists aged 16 - 21 years old from more than 75 participating countries. LIYSF is held at Imperial College London and The Royal Geographical Society - with day visits out to other leading UK research centres and Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge Universities. At the beginning of Term 3 Ellee will be travelling overseas to pursue this once in a lifetime opportunity. I look forward to Ellee sharing all the exciting new things she discovers whilst representing Cowra High School.
Monday of Week 9 this term all Cowra High School staff worked hard for three hours to evaluate student learning data and identify areas where they can realign programs and assessment to ensure students are participating in lessons that are filled with high levels of student engagement. Groups of staff worked on challenging each other’s ideas and refining how we map and carefully align staff professional development to improve student learning outcomes for the rest of 2019 and continue to transform student success leading into 2020.
Student success at Cowra High School is defined as how well can they succeed post school and support their learning and wellbeing. Many examples have been shared with the community this term how students are continuing to strive for success. I am excited about what Term 3 brings for our amazing students and how our staff continue to work tirelessly to ensure this occurs for all students at Cowra High School.
I wish all students, staff and the community a safe and restful holiday. The most important thing is to regain your energy and for future performance, by getting organised and focus on Term 3 and what it has to offer as well as what goals each and every one of you would like to achieve in Semester 2.
Kind Regards,
Helene Hamilton
Sticks to Stadium Award
Following on from the Sticks To Stadium excursion held earlier this term, Cowra High student Sonny Eastwood was presented with a Penrith Panthers jersey last week. The award, selected by the organisers, recognises Sonny's contribution during the program, his excellent attendance, attitude and leadership at a school level and in the community through his refereeing at the local junior level.
Congratulations Sonny, well deserved!
News from the Library
Our Library has received a colourful upgrade over the last few months, with new table tops in the main body of the Library area and in the discussion rooms, along with a refurbished circulation desk area. All helping to make the Library a bright pleasant multi-function space for studying, learning and recreation.
Many thanks must go to Mrs Rachel McKenzie and her daughter Zara for giving up precious weekend time to assist with the design and painting of the old benches and cabinets.
New blinds have been installed enabling filtered light to diffuse through much of the main room, with block-out blinds to give optimal viewing when images are being cast onto the main screen.
Don’t forget to take advantage of our 24/7 eLibrary for reading during the holidays. There are nearly 2000 titles, including a large number of eAudio books available for loan. To take advantage of this wonderful asset –
- Simply download the ePlatform app from your app store.
- Find our Library and log in using your school log in name – use cowraas the password.
- Borrow an eBook or Audiobook to read or listen on your device and enjoy!
Assembly Awards
Alex Shaw received a certificate at today's assembly for his hard work, dedication and achievement in all aspects of his classwork. Other students acknowledged were Jayden S Brown and Lachlan Emerson. Congratulations!!
Chelsea Apps and Marcus O'Connor were two of several students to receive recognition from Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke for being selected as School Leaders at Cowra High School at this morning's assembly. Congratulations!!
Where are they now ??
Erin Watt
I attended Cowra High School from 2004 to 2009. During my school years I was known as the person who was far too involved in the SRC at a school, local and state level; School Captain; Target Cowra employee and member of the first group of Torsion at the Cowra Ballet School.
I couldn’t possibly pick my favourite teacher but did have some memorable characters (some of whom are still teaching) including Ms Smith, Ms Reynolds, Mr Tapscott, Mrs Meiklejohn, Ms Patterson, Mr Garling, Mr Skinner, Mr Ridding and Poppa Bear (Mr Smith).
I’d always been busy agitating in school so one of the Deputies suggested I studied politics at university. I never thought in a million years I’d get in – but I did! I went to Sydney University and graduated with a Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences with Honours (First Class).
From there I went to work in a union – United Voice – which covers a range of industries like school cleaners, early childhood educators, home care workers and security guards. I worked on campaigns around protecting penalty rates, increasing early childhood educators wages and making childcare more affordable, and improving gender equality.
I then spent two years at the National office of the Labor Party as National Organiser (Training) working on marginal seats in attempt to win the federal election. I’m now back at United Voice as their political organiser.
I’m also currently trying to get my act together to organise our 10 year reunion!
I know many students are undertaking Trial HSC exams right now. In my final English exam I didn’t read the question and proceeded to write my essay on the two supporting texts, despite the question only asking for ONE text. I didn’t realise until I was debriefing with some friends after the exam and proceeded to have a complete meltdown that I was now going to fail the entire HSC. I did not.
My advice would be:
a) take a breath and read the question
b) this does not define you, you can achieve what you can dream
c) there is always a way to get there and
d) you don’t need to study science even if your mother is a science teacher!